Class: FederatedMouseEvent


A PIXI.FederatedEvent for mouse events.

new PIXI.FederatedMouseEvent () overrides



  • MouseEvent


altKey boolean

Whether the "alt" key was pressed when this mouse event occurred.

button number

The specific button that was pressed in this mouse event.

buttons number

The button depressed when this event occurred.

client PIXI.Point

The coordinates of the mouse event relative to the canvas.

clientX number readonly

clientY number readonly

ctrlKey boolean

Whether the "control" key was pressed when this mouse event occurred.

detail number overrides

This is the number of clicks that occurs in 200ms/click of each other.

global PIXI.Point

The pointer coordinates in world space.

globalX number readonly

globalY number readonly

metaKey boolean

Whether the "meta" key was pressed when this mouse event occurred.

movement PIXI.Point

The movement in this pointer relative to the last mousemove event.

movementX number readonly

movementY number readonly

offset PIXI.Point

The offset of the pointer coordinates w.r.t. target DisplayObject in world space. This is not supported at the moment.

offsetX number readonly

offsetY number readonly

relatedTarget EventTarget

This is currently not implemented in the Federated Events API.

screen PIXI.Point

The pointer coordinates in the renderer's screen. This has slightly different semantics than native PointerEvent screenX/screenY.

screenX number readonly

The pointer coordinates in the renderer's screen. Alias for screen.x.

screenY number readonly

The pointer coordinates in the renderer's screen. Alias for screen.y.

shiftKey boolean

Whether the "shift" key was pressed when this mouse event occurred.

x number readonly

Alias for this.clientX.

y number readonly

Alias for this.clientY.


getModifierState (key) boolean

Whether the modifier key was pressed when this event natively occurred.

Name Type Description
key string

The modifier key.

Type Description

initMouseEvent (_typeArg, _canBubbleArg, _cancelableArg, _viewArg, _detailArg, _screenXArg, _screenYArg, _clientXArg, _clientYArg, _ctrlKeyArg, _altKeyArg, _shiftKeyArg, _metaKeyArg, _buttonArg, _relatedTargetArg) void Deprecated`` : since 7.0.0

Not supported.

Name Type Description
_typeArg string
_canBubbleArg boolean
_cancelableArg boolean
_viewArg Window
_detailArg number
_screenXArg number
_screenYArg number
_clientXArg number
_clientYArg number
_ctrlKeyArg boolean
_altKeyArg boolean
_shiftKeyArg boolean
_metaKeyArg boolean
_buttonArg number
_relatedTargetArg EventTarget

Inherited Properties

From class PIXI.FederatedEvent

bubbles boolean inherited

Flags whether this event bubbles. This will take effect only if it is set before propagation.

Default Value:
  • true

cancelable boolean readonly inherited

Flags whether this event can be canceled using FederatedEvent.preventDefault. This is always false (for now).

Default Value:
  • false

cancelBubble boolean Deprecated : since 7.0.0 inherited

Default Value:
  • true

composed boolean readonly inherited

Flag added for compatibility with DOM Event. It is not used in the Federated Events API.

Default Value:
  • false

The listeners of the event target that are being notified.

data this Deprecated : since 7.0.0 inherited

Fallback for the deprecated

defaultPrevented boolean inherited

Flags whether the default response of the user agent was prevent through this event.

Default Value:
  • false

eventPhase inherited

The propagation phase.

Default Value:
  • FederatedEvent.NONE

isTrusted boolean inherited

Flags whether this is a user-trusted event

The coordinates of the evnet relative to the nearest DOM layer. This is a non-standard property.

layerX number readonly inherited

layerY number readonly inherited

manager PIXI.EventBoundary readonly inherited

The EventBoundary that manages this event. Null for root events.

nativeEvent N inherited

The native event that caused the foremost original event.

originalEvent PIXI.FederatedEvent<N> inherited

The original event that caused this event, if any.

The coordinates of the event relative to the DOM document. This is a non-standard property.

pageX number readonly inherited

pageY number readonly inherited

The composed path of the event's propagation. The target is at the end.

propagationImmediatelyStopped boolean inherited

Flags whether propagation was immediately stopped.

Default Value:
  • false

propagationStopped boolean inherited

Flags whether propagation was stopped.

Default Value:
  • false

returnValue boolean Deprecated : since 7.0.0 inherited

srcElement EventTarget Deprecated : since 7.0.0 inherited

The event target that this will be dispatched to.

timeStamp number inherited

The timestamp of when the event was created.

type string inherited

The type of event, e.g. "mouseup".

view WindowProxy inherited

The global Window object.

which number Deprecated : since 7.0.0 inherited

Not supported.

Inherited Methods

From class PIXI.FederatedEvent

The propagation path for this event. Alias for EventBoundary.propagationPath.

Type Description

initEvent (_type, _bubbles, _cancelable) void Deprecated inherited

Unimplemented method included for implementing the DOM interface Event. It will throw an Error.

Name Type Attributes Description
_type string
_bubbles boolean <optional>
_cancelable boolean <optional>

initUIEvent (_typeArg, _bubblesArg, _cancelableArg, _viewArg, _detailArg) void Deprecated inherited

Unimplemented method included for implementing the DOM interface UIEvent. It will throw an Error.

Name Type Attributes Description
_typeArg string
_bubblesArg boolean <optional>
_cancelableArg boolean <optional>
_viewArg Window | null <optional>
_detailArg number <optional>

preventDefault () void inherited

Prevent default behavior of PixiJS and the user agent.

stopImmediatePropagation () void inherited

Stop this event from propagating to any addition listeners, including on the currentTarget and also the following event targets on the propagation path.

stopPropagation () void inherited

Stop this event from propagating to the next FederatedEventTarget. The rest of the listeners on the currentTarget will still be notified.