Class: FramebufferSystem


System plugin to the renderer to manage framebuffers.

new PIXI.FramebufferSystem (renderer)

Name Type Description
renderer PIXI.Renderer

The renderer this System works for.



managedFramebuffers Array<PIXI.Framebuffer> readonly

A list of managed framebuffers.

size { x : number, y : number, width : number, height : number } readonly

Get the size of the current width and height. Returns object with width and height values.

unknownFramebuffer PIXI.Framebuffer protected

Framebuffer value that shows that we don't know what is bound.


bind (framebuffer, frame, mipLevel) void

Bind a framebuffer.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
framebuffer PIXI.Framebuffer <optional>
frame PIXI.Rectangle <optional>

frame, default is framebuffer size

mipLevel number 0

optional mip level to set on the framebuffer - defaults to 0

blit (framebuffer, sourcePixels, destPixels) void

Only works with WebGL2

blits framebuffer to another of the same or bigger size after that target framebuffer is bound

Fails with WebGL warning if blits multisample framebuffer to different size

Name Type Attributes Description
framebuffer PIXI.Framebuffer <optional>

by default it blits "into itself", from renderBuffer to texture.

sourcePixels PIXI.Rectangle <optional>

source rectangle in pixels

destPixels PIXI.Rectangle <optional>

dest rectangle in pixels, assumed to be the same as sourcePixels

clear (r, g, b, a, mask) void

Clear the color of the context

Name Type Attributes Default Description
r number

Red value from 0 to 1

g number

Green value from 0 to 1

b number

Blue value from 0 to 1

a number

Alpha value from 0 to 1

mask PIXI.BUFFER_BITS <optional>

Bitwise OR of masks that indicate the buffers to be cleared, by default COLOR and DEPTH buffers.

disposeAll (contextLost) void

Disposes all framebuffers, but not textures bound to them.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
contextLost boolean <optional>

If context was lost, we suppress all delete function calls

disposeFramebuffer (framebuffer, contextLost) void

Disposes framebuffer.

Name Type Attributes Description
framebuffer PIXI.Framebuffer

framebuffer that has to be disposed of

contextLost boolean <optional>

If context was lost, we suppress all delete function calls

reset () void

Resets framebuffer stored state, binds screen framebuffer. Should be called before renderTexture reset().

setViewport (x, y, width, height) void

Set the WebGLRenderingContext's viewport.

Name Type Description
x number

X position of viewport

y number

Y position of viewport

width number

Width of viewport

height number

Height of viewport

canMultisampleFramebuffer (framebuffer) boolean protected

Returns true if the frame buffer can be multisampled.

Name Type Description
framebuffer PIXI.Framebuffer
Type Description

contextChange () void protected

Sets up the renderer context and necessary buffers.

detectSamples (samples) PIXI.MSAA_QUALITY protected

Detects number of samples that is not more than a param but as close to it as possible

Name Type Description

number of samples

Type Description
  • recommended number of samples

initFramebuffer (framebuffer) PIXI.GLFramebuffer protected

Initialize framebuffer for this context

Name Type Description
framebuffer PIXI.Framebuffer
Type Description
  • created GLFramebuffer

resizeFramebuffer (framebuffer) void protected

Resize the framebuffer

Name Type Description
framebuffer PIXI.Framebuffer

updateFramebuffer (framebuffer, mipLevel) void protected

Update the framebuffer

Name Type Description
framebuffer PIXI.Framebuffer
mipLevel number