Namespace: utils


Generalized convenience utilities for PIXI.


 // Extend PIXI's internal Event Emitter.
 class MyEmitter extends PIXI.utils.EventEmitter {
   constructor() {
      console.log("Emitter created!");

 // Get info on current device

 // Convert hex color to string
 console.log(PIXI.utils.hex2string(0xff00ff)); // returns: "#ff00ff"



Interface Definitions


Name Type Description
charset string
data string

The actual data

encoding string

Data encoding, eg. base64

mediaType string

type, eg. image

subType string

Sub type, eg. png


PIXI.utils.BaseTextureCache object staticreadonly

  • Describe property usage

PIXI.utils.ProgramCache object staticreadonly

  • Describe property usage

PIXI.utils.TextureCache object staticreadonly

  • Describe property usage

isMobile object

A simple JS library that detects mobile devices.

Name Type Description
amazon object
amazon boolean

.device - true if any Silk device

amazon boolean

.tablet - true if any Silk tablet

amazon boolean

.phone - true if any Silk phone

android object
android boolean

.device - true if any Android device

android boolean

.tablet - true if any Android tablet

android boolean

.phone - true if any Android phone

any boolean

true if current platform is tablet or phone device

apple object
apple boolean

.device - true if any Apple device

apple boolean

.tablet - true if any Apple iPad

apple boolean

.phone - true if any Apple iPhone

apple boolean

.ipod - true if any iPod

phone boolean

true if current platform small-screen phone device

tablet boolean

true if current platform large-screen tablet device

windows object
windows boolean

.device - true if any Windows device

windows boolean

.tablet - true if any Windows tablet

windows boolean

.phone - true if any Windows phone


path object

Browser and Node.js compatible path utilities. All paths that are passed in will become normalized to have posix separators.

premultiplyBlendMode Array<number<Array>> readonly

maps premultiply flag and blendMode to adjusted blendMode

url object

Node.js compatible URL utilities.



earcut (vertices, holes, dimensions) Array<number>

A polygon triangulation library

Name Type Attributes Default Description
vertices Array<number>

A flat array of vertex coordinates

holes Array<number> <optional>

An array of hole indices

dimensions number <optional>

The number of coordinates per vertex in the input array

Type Description
Array<number> Triangulated polygon

sayHello (type) void

Logs out the version and renderer information for this running instance of PIXI. If you don't want to see this message you can run PIXI.utils.skipHello() before creating your renderer. Keep in mind that doing that will forever make you a jerk face.

Name Type Description
type string

The string renderer type to log.

clearTextureCache () void

Removes all textures from cache, but does not destroy them

correctBlendMode (blendMode, premultiplied) number

changes blendMode according to texture format

Name Type Description
blendMode number

supposed blend mode

premultiplied boolean

whether source is premultiplied

Type Description
number true blend mode for this texture

createIndicesForQuads (size, outBuffer) Uint16Array | Uint32Array

Generic Mask Stack data structure

Name Type Attributes Default Description
size number

Number of quads

outBuffer Uint16Array | Uint32Array <optional>

Buffer for output, length has to be 6 * size

Type Description
Uint16Array | Uint32Array
  • Resulting index buffer

decomposeDataUri (dataUri) PIXI.utils.DecomposedDataUri | unknown

Split a data URI into components. Returns undefined if parameter dataUri is not a valid data URI.

Name Type Description
dataUri string

the data URI to check

Type Description
PIXI.utils.DecomposedDataUri | unknown The decomposed data uri or undefined

deprecation (version, message, ignoreDepth) void

Helper for warning developers about deprecated features & settings. A stack track for warnings is given; useful for tracking-down where deprecated methods/properties/classes are being used within the code.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
version string

The version where the feature became deprecated

message string

Message should include what is deprecated, where, and the new solution

ignoreDepth number <optional>

The number of steps to ignore at the top of the error stack this is mostly to ignore internal deprecation calls.

destroyTextureCache () void

Destroys all texture in the cache

getResolutionOfUrl (url, defaultValue) number

get the resolution / device pixel ratio of an asset by looking for the prefix used by spritesheets and image urls

Name Type Attributes Default Description
url string

the image path

defaultValue number <optional>

the defaultValue if no filename prefix is set.

Type Description
number resolution / device pixel ratio of an asset

hex2rgb (hex, out) Array<number>

Converts a hexadecimal color number to an [R, G, B] array of normalized floats (numbers from 0.0 to 1.0).

Name Type Attributes Default Description
hex number

The hexadecimal number to convert

out Array<number> <optional>

If supplied, this array will be used rather than returning a new one

Type Description
Array<number> An array representing the [R, G, B] of the color where all values are floats.

 PIXI.utils.hex2rgb(0xffffff); // returns [1, 1, 1]

hex2string (hex) string

Converts a hexadecimal color number to a string.

Name Type Description
hex number

Number in hex (e.g., 0xffffff)

Type Description
string The string color (e.g., "#ffffff").

 PIXI.utils.hex2string(0xffffff); // returns "#ffffff"

isPow2 (v) boolean

Checks if a number is a power of two.

Name Type Description
v number

input value

Type Description
boolean true if value is power of two

isWebGLSupported () boolean

Helper for checking for WebGL support.

Type Description
boolean Is WebGL supported.

log2 (v) number

Computes ceil of log base 2

Name Type Description
v number

input value

Type Description
number logarithm base 2

nextPow2 (v) number

Rounds to next power of two.

Name Type Description
v number

input value

Type Description
  • next rounded power of two

premultiplyRgba (rgb, alpha, out, premultiply) Float32Array

combines rgb and alpha to out array

Name Type Attributes Default Description
rgb Float32Array | number<Array>

input rgb

alpha number

alpha param

out Float32Array <optional>


premultiply boolean <optional>

do premultiply it

Type Description
Float32Array vec4 rgba

premultiplyTint (tint, alpha) number

premultiplies tint

Name Type Description
tint number

integer RGB

alpha number

floating point alpha (0.0-1.0)

Type Description
number tint multiplied by alpha

premultiplyTintToRgba (tint, alpha, out, premultiply) Float32Array

converts integer tint and float alpha to vec4 form, premultiplies by default

Name Type Attributes Default Description
tint number

input tint

alpha number

alpha param

out Float32Array <optional>


premultiply boolean <optional>

do premultiply it

Type Description
Float32Array vec4 rgba

removeItems (arr, startIdx, removeCount) void

Remove items from a javascript array without generating garbage

Name Type Description
arr Array<any>

Array to remove elements from

startIdx number

starting index

removeCount number

how many to remove

rgb2hex (rgb) number

Converts a color as an [R, G, B] array of normalized floats to a hexadecimal number.

Name Type Description
rgb Array<number>

Array of numbers where all values are normalized floats from 0.0 to 1.0.

Type Description
number Number in hexadecimal.

 PIXI.utils.rgb2hex([1, 1, 1]); // returns 0xffffff

sign (n) number

Returns sign of number

Name Type Description
n number

the number to check the sign of

Type Description
number 0 if n is 0, -1 if n is negative, 1 if n is positive

skipHello () void

Skips the hello message of renderers that are created after this is run.

string2hex (string) number

Converts a string to a hexadecimal color number. It can handle: hex strings starting with #: "#ffffff" hex strings starting with 0x: "0xffffff" hex strings without prefix: "ffffff" css colors: "black"

Name Type Description
string string

The string color (e.g., "#ffffff")

Type Description
number Number in hexadecimal.

 PIXI.utils.string2hex("#ffffff"); // returns 0xffffff

trimCanvas (canvas) object

Trim transparent borders from a canvas

Name Type Description
canvas HTMLCanvasElement

the canvas to trim

Type Description
object Trim data

uid () number

Gets the next unique identifier

Type Description
number The next unique identifier to use.