Source: packages/events/src/EventSystem.ts

import { EventBoundary } from './EventBoundary';
import type { FederatedMouseEvent } from './FederatedMouseEvent';
import { FederatedPointerEvent } from './FederatedPointerEvent';
import { FederatedWheelEvent } from './FederatedWheelEvent';
import { extensions, ExtensionType } from '@pixi/core';

import type { DisplayObject } from '@pixi/display';
import type { IRenderableObject, ExtensionMetadata, IPointData } from '@pixi/core';

const TOUCH_TO_POINTER: Record<string, string> = {
    touchstart: 'pointerdown',
    touchend: 'pointerup',
    touchendoutside: 'pointerupoutside',
    touchmove: 'pointermove',
    touchcancel: 'pointercancel',

interface Renderer
    lastObjectRendered: IRenderableObject;
    view: HTMLCanvasElement;
    resolution: number;
    plugins: Record<string, any>;

 * The system for handling UI events.
 * @memberof PIXI
export class EventSystem
    /** @ignore */
    static extension: ExtensionMetadata = {
        name: 'events',
        type: [

     * The PIXI.EventBoundary for the stage.
     * The rootTarget of this root boundary is automatically set to
     * the last rendered object before any event processing is initiated. This means the main scene
     * needs to be rendered atleast once before UI events will start propagating.
     * The root boundary should only be changed during initialization. Otherwise, any state held by the
     * event boundary may be lost (like hovered & pressed DisplayObjects).
    public readonly rootBoundary: EventBoundary;

    /** Does the device support touch events */
    public readonly supportsTouchEvents = 'ontouchstart' in globalThis;

    /** Does the device support pointer events */
    public readonly supportsPointerEvents = !!globalThis.PointerEvent;

     * Should default browser actions automatically be prevented.
     * Does not apply to pointer events for backwards compatibility
     * preventDefault on pointer events stops mouse events from firing
     * Thus, for every pointer event, there will always be either a mouse of touch event alongside it.
     * @default true
    public autoPreventDefault: boolean;

     * Dictionary of how different cursor modes are handled. Strings are handled as CSS cursor
     * values, objects are handled as dictionaries of CSS values for domElement,
     * and functions are called instead of changing the CSS.
     * Default CSS cursor values are provided for 'default' and 'pointer' modes.
     * @member {Object<string, string | ((mode: string) => void) | CSSStyleDeclaration>}
    public cursorStyles: Record<string, string | ((mode: string) => void) | CSSStyleDeclaration>;

     * The DOM element to which the root event listeners are bound. This is automatically set to
     * the renderer's view.
    public domElement: HTMLElement = null;

    /** The resolution used to convert between the DOM client space into world space. */
    public resolution = 1;

    /** The renderer managing this EventSystem. */
    public renderer: Renderer;

    private currentCursor: string;
    private rootPointerEvent: FederatedPointerEvent;
    private rootWheelEvent: FederatedWheelEvent;
    private eventsAdded: boolean;

     * @param {PIXI.Renderer} renderer
    constructor(renderer: Renderer)
        this.renderer = renderer;
        this.rootBoundary = new EventBoundary(null);

        this.autoPreventDefault = true;
        this.eventsAdded = false;

        this.rootPointerEvent = new FederatedPointerEvent(null);
        this.rootWheelEvent = new FederatedWheelEvent(null);

        this.cursorStyles = {
            default: 'inherit',
            pointer: 'pointer',

        this.onPointerDown = this.onPointerDown.bind(this);
        this.onPointerMove = this.onPointerMove.bind(this);
        this.onPointerUp = this.onPointerUp.bind(this);
        this.onPointerOverOut = this.onPointerOverOut.bind(this);
        this.onWheel = this.onWheel.bind(this);

     * Runner init called, view is available at this point.
     * @ignore
    init(): void
        const { view, resolution } = this.renderer;

        this.resolution = resolution;

    /** Destroys all event listeners and detaches the renderer. */
    destroy(): void
        this.renderer = null;

     * Sets the current cursor mode, handling any callbacks or CSS style changes.
     * @param mode - cursor mode, a key from the cursorStyles dictionary
    public setCursor(mode: string): void
        mode = mode || 'default';
        let applyStyles = true;

        // offscreen canvas does not support setting styles, but cursor modes can be functions,
        // in order to handle pixi rendered cursors, so we can't bail
        if (globalThis.OffscreenCanvas && this.domElement instanceof OffscreenCanvas)
            applyStyles = false;
        // if the mode didn't actually change, bail early
        if (this.currentCursor === mode)
        this.currentCursor = mode;
        const style = this.cursorStyles[mode];

        // only do things if there is a cursor style for it
        if (style)
            switch (typeof style)
                case 'string':
                    // string styles are handled as cursor CSS
                    if (applyStyles)
               = style;
                case 'function':
                    // functions are just called, and passed the cursor mode
                case 'object':
                    // if it is an object, assume that it is a dictionary of CSS styles,
                    // apply it to the interactionDOMElement
                    if (applyStyles)
                        Object.assign(, style);
        else if (applyStyles && typeof mode === 'string' && !, mode))
            // if it mode is a string (not a Symbol) and cursorStyles doesn't have any entry
            // for the mode, then assume that the dev wants it to be CSS for the cursor.
   = mode;

     * Event handler for pointer down events on this.domElement.
     * @param nativeEvent - The native mouse/pointer/touch event.
    private onPointerDown(nativeEvent: MouseEvent | PointerEvent | TouchEvent): void
        this.rootBoundary.rootTarget = this.renderer.lastObjectRendered as DisplayObject;

        // if we support touch events, then only use those for touch events, not pointer events
        if (this.supportsTouchEvents && (nativeEvent as PointerEvent).pointerType === 'touch') return;

        const events = this.normalizeToPointerData(nativeEvent);

         * No need to prevent default on natural pointer events, as there are no side effects
         * Normalized events, however, may have the double mousedown/touchstart issue on the native android browser,
         * so still need to be prevented.

        // Guaranteed that there will be at least one event in events, and all events must have the same pointer type

        if (this.autoPreventDefault && (events[0] as any).isNormalized)
            const cancelable = nativeEvent.cancelable || !('cancelable' in nativeEvent);

            if (cancelable)

        for (let i = 0, j = events.length; i < j; i++)
            const nativeEvent = events[i];
            const federatedEvent = this.bootstrapEvent(this.rootPointerEvent, nativeEvent);



     * Event handler for pointer move events on on this.domElement.
     * @param nativeEvent - The native mouse/pointer/touch events.
    private onPointerMove(nativeEvent: MouseEvent | PointerEvent | TouchEvent): void
        this.rootBoundary.rootTarget = this.renderer.lastObjectRendered as DisplayObject;

        // if we support touch events, then only use those for touch events, not pointer events
        if (this.supportsTouchEvents && (nativeEvent as PointerEvent).pointerType === 'touch') return;

        const normalizedEvents = this.normalizeToPointerData(nativeEvent);

        for (let i = 0, j = normalizedEvents.length; i < j; i++)
            const event = this.bootstrapEvent(this.rootPointerEvent, normalizedEvents[i]);



     * Event handler for pointer up events on this.domElement.
     * @param nativeEvent - The native mouse/pointer/touch event.
    private onPointerUp(nativeEvent: MouseEvent | PointerEvent | TouchEvent): void
        this.rootBoundary.rootTarget = this.renderer.lastObjectRendered as DisplayObject;

        // if we support touch events, then only use those for touch events, not pointer events
        if (this.supportsTouchEvents && (nativeEvent as PointerEvent).pointerType === 'touch') return;

        let target =;

        // if in shadow DOM use composedPath to access target
        if (nativeEvent.composedPath && nativeEvent.composedPath().length > 0)
            target = nativeEvent.composedPath()[0];

        const outside = target !== this.domElement ? 'outside' : '';
        const normalizedEvents = this.normalizeToPointerData(nativeEvent);

        for (let i = 0, j = normalizedEvents.length; i < j; i++)
            const event = this.bootstrapEvent(this.rootPointerEvent, normalizedEvents[i]);

            event.type += outside;



     * Event handler for pointer over & out events on this.domElement.
     * @param nativeEvent - The native mouse/pointer/touch event.
    private onPointerOverOut(nativeEvent: MouseEvent | PointerEvent | TouchEvent): void
        this.rootBoundary.rootTarget = this.renderer.lastObjectRendered as DisplayObject;

        // if we support touch events, then only use those for touch events, not pointer events
        if (this.supportsTouchEvents && (nativeEvent as PointerEvent).pointerType === 'touch') return;

        const normalizedEvents = this.normalizeToPointerData(nativeEvent);

        for (let i = 0, j = normalizedEvents.length; i < j; i++)
            const event = this.bootstrapEvent(this.rootPointerEvent, normalizedEvents[i]);



     * Passive handler for `wheel` events on this.domElement.
     * @param nativeEvent - The native wheel event.
    protected onWheel(nativeEvent: WheelEvent): void
        const wheelEvent = this.normalizeWheelEvent(nativeEvent);

        this.rootBoundary.rootTarget = this.renderer.lastObjectRendered as DisplayObject;

     * Sets the domElement and binds event listeners.
     * To deregister the current DOM element without setting a new one, pass null.
     * @param element - The new DOM element.
    public setTargetElement(element: HTMLElement): void
        this.domElement = element;

    /** Register event listeners on this.domElement. */
    private addEvents(): void
        if (this.eventsAdded || !this.domElement)

        const style = as CrossCSSStyleDeclaration;

        if ((globalThis.navigator as any).msPointerEnabled)
            style.msContentZooming = 'none';
            style.msTouchAction = 'none';
        else if (this.supportsPointerEvents)
            style.touchAction = 'none';

         * These events are added first, so that if pointer events are normalized, they are fired
         * in the same order as non-normalized events. ie. pointer event 1st, mouse / touch 2nd
        if (this.supportsPointerEvents)
            globalThis.document.addEventListener('pointermove', this.onPointerMove, true);
            this.domElement.addEventListener('pointerdown', this.onPointerDown, true);
            // pointerout is fired in addition to pointerup (for touch events) and pointercancel
            // we already handle those, so for the purposes of what we do in onPointerOut, we only
            // care about the pointerleave event
            this.domElement.addEventListener('pointerleave', this.onPointerOverOut, true);
            this.domElement.addEventListener('pointerover', this.onPointerOverOut, true);
            // globalThis.addEventListener('pointercancel', this.onPointerCancel, true);
            globalThis.addEventListener('pointerup', this.onPointerUp, true);
            globalThis.document.addEventListener('mousemove', this.onPointerMove, true);
            this.domElement.addEventListener('mousedown', this.onPointerDown, true);
            this.domElement.addEventListener('mouseout', this.onPointerOverOut, true);
            this.domElement.addEventListener('mouseover', this.onPointerOverOut, true);
            globalThis.addEventListener('mouseup', this.onPointerUp, true);

        // Always look directly for touch events so that we can provide original data
        // In a future version we should change this to being just a fallback and rely solely on
        // PointerEvents whenever available
        if (this.supportsTouchEvents)
            this.domElement.addEventListener('touchstart', this.onPointerDown, true);
            // this.domElement.addEventListener('touchcancel', this.onPointerCancel, true);
            this.domElement.addEventListener('touchend', this.onPointerUp, true);
            this.domElement.addEventListener('touchmove', this.onPointerMove, true);

        this.domElement.addEventListener('wheel', this.onWheel, {
            passive: true,
            capture: true,

        this.eventsAdded = true;

    /** Unregister event listeners on this.domElement. */
    private removeEvents(): void
        if (!this.eventsAdded || !this.domElement)

        const style = as CrossCSSStyleDeclaration;

        if ((globalThis.navigator as any).msPointerEnabled)
            style.msContentZooming = '';
            style.msTouchAction = '';
        else if (this.supportsPointerEvents)
            style.touchAction = '';

        if (this.supportsPointerEvents)
            globalThis.document.removeEventListener('pointermove', this.onPointerMove, true);
            this.domElement.removeEventListener('pointerdown', this.onPointerDown, true);
            this.domElement.removeEventListener('pointerleave', this.onPointerOverOut, true);
            this.domElement.removeEventListener('pointerover', this.onPointerOverOut, true);
            // globalThis.removeEventListener('pointercancel', this.onPointerCancel, true);
            globalThis.removeEventListener('pointerup', this.onPointerUp, true);
            globalThis.document.removeEventListener('mousemove', this.onPointerMove, true);
            this.domElement.removeEventListener('mousedown', this.onPointerDown, true);
            this.domElement.removeEventListener('mouseout', this.onPointerOverOut, true);
            this.domElement.removeEventListener('mouseover', this.onPointerOverOut, true);
            globalThis.removeEventListener('mouseup', this.onPointerUp, true);

        if (this.supportsTouchEvents)
            this.domElement.removeEventListener('touchstart', this.onPointerDown, true);
            // this.domElement.removeEventListener('touchcancel', this.onPointerCancel, true);
            this.domElement.removeEventListener('touchend', this.onPointerUp, true);
            this.domElement.removeEventListener('touchmove', this.onPointerMove, true);

        this.domElement.removeEventListener('wheel', this.onWheel, true);

        this.domElement = null;
        this.eventsAdded = false;

     * Maps x and y coords from a DOM object and maps them correctly to the PixiJS view. The
     * resulting value is stored in the point. This takes into account the fact that the DOM
     * element could be scaled and positioned anywhere on the screen.
     * @param  {PIXI.IPointData} point - the point that the result will be stored in
     * @param  {number} x - the x coord of the position to map
     * @param  {number} y - the y coord of the position to map
    public mapPositionToPoint(point: IPointData, x: number, y: number): void
        let rect;

        // IE 11 fix
        if (!this.domElement.parentElement)
            rect = {
                x: 0,
                y: 0,
                width: (this.domElement as any).width,
                height: (this.domElement as any).height,
                left: 0,
                top: 0
            rect = this.domElement.getBoundingClientRect();

        const resolutionMultiplier = 1.0 / this.resolution;

        point.x = ((x - rect.left) * ((this.domElement as any).width / rect.width)) * resolutionMultiplier;
        point.y = ((y - * ((this.domElement as any).height / rect.height)) * resolutionMultiplier;

     * Ensures that the original event object contains all data that a regular pointer event would have
     * @param event - The original event data from a touch or mouse event
     * @returns An array containing a single normalized pointer event, in the case of a pointer
     *  or mouse event, or a multiple normalized pointer events if there are multiple changed touches
    private normalizeToPointerData(event: TouchEvent | MouseEvent | PointerEvent): PointerEvent[]
        const normalizedEvents = [];

        if (this.supportsTouchEvents && event instanceof TouchEvent)
            for (let i = 0, li = event.changedTouches.length; i < li; i++)
                const touch = event.changedTouches[i] as PixiTouch;

                if (typeof touch.button === 'undefined') touch.button = 0;
                if (typeof touch.buttons === 'undefined') touch.buttons = 1;
                if (typeof touch.isPrimary === 'undefined')
                    touch.isPrimary = event.touches.length === 1 && event.type === 'touchstart';
                if (typeof touch.width === 'undefined') touch.width = touch.radiusX || 1;
                if (typeof touch.height === 'undefined') touch.height = touch.radiusY || 1;
                if (typeof touch.tiltX === 'undefined') touch.tiltX = 0;
                if (typeof touch.tiltY === 'undefined') touch.tiltY = 0;
                if (typeof touch.pointerType === 'undefined') touch.pointerType = 'touch';
                if (typeof touch.pointerId === 'undefined') touch.pointerId = touch.identifier || 0;
                if (typeof touch.pressure === 'undefined') touch.pressure = touch.force || 0.5;
                if (typeof touch.twist === 'undefined') touch.twist = 0;
                if (typeof touch.tangentialPressure === 'undefined') touch.tangentialPressure = 0;
                // TODO: Remove these, as layerX/Y is not a standard, is deprecated, has uneven
                // support, and the fill ins are not quite the same
                // offsetX/Y might be okay, but is not the same as clientX/Y when the canvas's top
                // left is not 0,0 on the page
                if (typeof touch.layerX === 'undefined') touch.layerX = touch.offsetX = touch.clientX;
                if (typeof touch.layerY === 'undefined') touch.layerY = touch.offsetY = touch.clientY;

                // mark the touch as normalized, just so that we know we did it
                touch.isNormalized = true;
                touch.type = event.type;

        // apparently PointerEvent subclasses MouseEvent, so yay
        else if (!globalThis.MouseEvent
            || (event instanceof MouseEvent && (!this.supportsPointerEvents || !(event instanceof globalThis.PointerEvent))))
            const tempEvent = event as PixiPointerEvent;

            if (typeof tempEvent.isPrimary === 'undefined') tempEvent.isPrimary = true;
            if (typeof tempEvent.width === 'undefined') tempEvent.width = 1;
            if (typeof tempEvent.height === 'undefined') tempEvent.height = 1;
            if (typeof tempEvent.tiltX === 'undefined') tempEvent.tiltX = 0;
            if (typeof tempEvent.tiltY === 'undefined') tempEvent.tiltY = 0;
            if (typeof tempEvent.pointerType === 'undefined') tempEvent.pointerType = 'mouse';
            if (typeof tempEvent.pointerId === 'undefined') tempEvent.pointerId = MOUSE_POINTER_ID;
            if (typeof tempEvent.pressure === 'undefined') tempEvent.pressure = 0.5;
            if (typeof tempEvent.twist === 'undefined') tempEvent.twist = 0;
            if (typeof tempEvent.tangentialPressure === 'undefined') tempEvent.tangentialPressure = 0;

            // mark the mouse event as normalized, just so that we know we did it
            tempEvent.isNormalized = true;


        return normalizedEvents as PointerEvent[];

     * Normalizes the native WheelEvent.
     * The returned PIXI.FederatedWheelEvent is a shared instance. It will not persist across
     * multiple native wheel events.
     * @param nativeEvent - The native wheel event that occurred on the canvas.
     * @returns A federated wheel event.
    protected normalizeWheelEvent(nativeEvent: WheelEvent): FederatedWheelEvent
        const event = this.rootWheelEvent;

        this.transferMouseData(event, nativeEvent);

        event.deltaMode = nativeEvent.deltaMode;
        event.deltaX = nativeEvent.deltaX;
        event.deltaY = nativeEvent.deltaY;
        event.deltaZ = nativeEvent.deltaZ;

        this.mapPositionToPoint(event.screen, nativeEvent.clientX, nativeEvent.clientY);;

        event.nativeEvent = nativeEvent;
        event.type = nativeEvent.type;

        return event;

     * Normalizes the nativeEvent into a federateed FederatedPointerEvent.
     * @param event
     * @param nativeEvent
    private bootstrapEvent(event: FederatedPointerEvent, nativeEvent: PointerEvent): FederatedPointerEvent
        event.originalEvent = null;
        event.nativeEvent = nativeEvent;

        event.pointerId = nativeEvent.pointerId;
        event.width = nativeEvent.width;
        event.height = nativeEvent.height;
        event.isPrimary = nativeEvent.isPrimary;
        event.pointerType = nativeEvent.pointerType;
        event.pressure = nativeEvent.pressure;
        event.tangentialPressure = nativeEvent.tangentialPressure;
        event.tiltX = nativeEvent.tiltX;
        event.tiltY = nativeEvent.tiltY;
        event.twist = nativeEvent.twist;
        this.transferMouseData(event, nativeEvent);

        this.mapPositionToPoint(event.screen, nativeEvent.clientX, nativeEvent.clientY);;// global = screen for top-level
        event.offset.copyFrom(event.screen);// EventBoundary recalculates using its rootTarget

        event.isTrusted = nativeEvent.isTrusted;
        if (event.type === 'pointerleave')
            event.type = 'pointerout';
        if (event.type.startsWith('mouse'))
            event.type = event.type.replace('mouse', 'pointer');
        if (event.type.startsWith('touch'))
            event.type = TOUCH_TO_POINTER[event.type] || event.type;

        return event;

     * Transfers base & mouse event data from the nativeEvent to the federated event.
     * @param event
     * @param nativeEvent
    private transferMouseData(event: FederatedMouseEvent, nativeEvent: MouseEvent): void
        event.isTrusted = nativeEvent.isTrusted;
        event.srcElement = nativeEvent.srcElement;
        event.timeStamp =;
        event.type = nativeEvent.type;

        event.altKey = nativeEvent.altKey;
        event.button = nativeEvent.button;
        event.buttons = nativeEvent.buttons;
        event.client.x = nativeEvent.clientX;
        event.client.y = nativeEvent.clientY;
        event.ctrlKey = nativeEvent.ctrlKey;
        event.metaKey = nativeEvent.metaKey;
        event.movement.x = nativeEvent.movementX;
        event.movement.y = nativeEvent.movementY; = nativeEvent.pageX; = nativeEvent.pageY;
        event.relatedTarget = null;

interface CrossCSSStyleDeclaration extends CSSStyleDeclaration
    msContentZooming: string;
    msTouchAction: string;

interface PixiPointerEvent extends PointerEvent
    isPrimary: boolean;
    width: number;
    height: number;
    tiltX: number;
    tiltY: number;
    pointerType: string;
    pointerId: number;
    pressure: number;
    twist: number;
    tangentialPressure: number;
    isNormalized: boolean;
    type: string;

interface PixiTouch extends Touch
    button: number;
    buttons: number;
    isPrimary: boolean;
    width: number;
    height: number;
    tiltX: number;
    tiltY: number;
    pointerType: string;
    pointerId: number;
    pressure: number;
    twist: number;
    tangentialPressure: number;
    layerX: number;
    layerY: number;
    offsetX: number;
    offsetY: number;
    isNormalized: boolean;
    type: string;
