Source: packages/graphics/src/GraphicsGeometry.ts

import {
} from './utils';

import {
} from '@pixi/core';

import { GraphicsData } from './GraphicsData';
import { Bounds } from '@pixi/display';

import type { Texture, Circle, Ellipse, Polygon, Rectangle, RoundedRectangle, IPointData, Matrix } from '@pixi/core';
import type { FillStyle } from './styles/FillStyle';
import type { LineStyle } from './styles/LineStyle';

 * Complex shape type
 * @todo Move to Math shapes
type IShape = Circle | Ellipse | Polygon | Rectangle | RoundedRectangle;

const tmpPoint = new Point();

 * The Graphics class contains methods used to draw primitive shapes such as lines, circles and
 * rectangles to the display, and to color and fill them.
 * GraphicsGeometry is designed to not be continually updating the geometry since it's expensive
 * to re-tesselate using **earcut**. Consider using PIXI.Mesh for this use-case, it's much faster.
 * @memberof PIXI
export class GraphicsGeometry extends BatchGeometry
     * The maximum number of points to consider an object "batchable",
     * able to be batched by the renderer's batch system.
    public static BATCHABLE_SIZE = 100;

    /** Minimal distance between points that are considered different. Affects line tesselation. */
    public closePointEps = 1e-4;

    /** Padding to add to the bounds. */
    public boundsPadding = 0;

    uvsFloat32: Float32Array = null;
    indicesUint16: Uint16Array | Uint32Array = null;
    batchable = false;

    /** An array of points to draw, 2 numbers per point */
    points: number[] = [];

    /** The collection of colors */
    colors: number[] = [];

    /** The UVs collection */
    uvs: number[] = [];

    /** The indices of the vertices */
    indices: number[] = [];

    /** Reference to the texture IDs. */
    textureIds: number[] = [];

     * The collection of drawn shapes.
     * @member {PIXI.GraphicsData[]}
    graphicsData: Array<GraphicsData> = [];

     * List of current draw calls drived from the batches.
     * @member {PIXI.BatchDrawCall[]}
    drawCalls: Array<BatchDrawCall> = [];

    /** Batches need to regenerated if the geometry is updated. */
    batchDirty = -1;

     * Intermediate abstract format sent to batch system.
     * Can be converted to drawCalls or to batchable objects.
     * @member {PIXI.graphicsUtils.BatchPart[]}
    batches: Array<BatchPart> = [];

    /** Used to detect if the graphics object has changed. */
    protected dirty = 0;

    /** Used to check if the cache is dirty. */
    protected cacheDirty = -1;

    /** Used to detect if we cleared the graphicsData. */
    protected clearDirty = 0;

    /** Index of the last batched shape in the stack of calls. */
    protected shapeIndex = 0;

    /** Cached bounds. */
    protected _bounds: Bounds = new Bounds();

    /** The bounds dirty flag. */
    protected boundsDirty = -1;

    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-useless-constructor

     * Get the current bounds of the graphic geometry.
     * @readonly
    public get bounds(): Bounds

        if (this.boundsDirty !== this.dirty)
            this.boundsDirty = this.dirty;

        return this._bounds;

    /** Call if you changed graphicsData manually. Empties all batch buffers. */
    protected invalidate(): void
        this.boundsDirty = -1;
        this.shapeIndex = 0;

        this.points.length = 0;
        this.colors.length = 0;
        this.uvs.length = 0;
        this.indices.length = 0;
        this.textureIds.length = 0;

        for (let i = 0; i < this.drawCalls.length; i++)

        this.drawCalls.length = 0;

        for (let i = 0; i < this.batches.length; i++)
            const batchPart = this.batches[i];


        this.batches.length = 0;

     * Clears the graphics that were drawn to this Graphics object, and resets fill and line style settings.
     * @returns - This GraphicsGeometry object. Good for chaining method calls
    public clear(): GraphicsGeometry
        if (this.graphicsData.length > 0)
            this.graphicsData.length = 0;

        return this;

     * Draws the given shape to this Graphics object. Can be any of Circle, Rectangle, Ellipse, Line or Polygon.
     * @param {PIXI.Circle|PIXI.Ellipse|PIXI.Polygon|PIXI.Rectangle|PIXI.RoundedRectangle} shape - The shape object to draw.
     * @param fillStyle - Defines style of the fill.
     * @param lineStyle - Defines style of the lines.
     * @param matrix - Transform applied to the points of the shape.
     * @returns - Returns geometry for chaining.
    public drawShape(
        shape: IShape,
        fillStyle: FillStyle = null,
        lineStyle: LineStyle = null,
        matrix: Matrix = null): GraphicsGeometry
        const data = new GraphicsData(shape, fillStyle, lineStyle, matrix);


        return this;

     * Draws the given shape to this Graphics object. Can be any of Circle, Rectangle, Ellipse, Line or Polygon.
     * @param {PIXI.Circle|PIXI.Ellipse|PIXI.Polygon|PIXI.Rectangle|PIXI.RoundedRectangle} shape - The shape object to draw.
     * @param matrix - Transform applied to the points of the shape.
     * @returns - Returns geometry for chaining.
    public drawHole(shape: IShape, matrix: Matrix = null): GraphicsGeometry
        if (!this.graphicsData.length)
            return null;

        const data = new GraphicsData(shape, null, null, matrix);

        const lastShape = this.graphicsData[this.graphicsData.length - 1];

        data.lineStyle = lastShape.lineStyle;



        return this;

    /** Destroys the GraphicsGeometry object. */
    public destroy(): void

        // destroy each of the GraphicsData objects
        for (let i = 0; i < this.graphicsData.length; ++i)

        this.points.length = 0;
        this.points = null;
        this.colors.length = 0;
        this.colors = null;
        this.uvs.length = 0;
        this.uvs = null;
        this.indices.length = 0;
        this.indices = null;
        this.indexBuffer = null;
        this.graphicsData.length = 0;
        this.graphicsData = null;
        this.drawCalls.length = 0;
        this.drawCalls = null;
        this.batches.length = 0;
        this.batches = null;
        this._bounds = null;

     * Check to see if a point is contained within this geometry.
     * @param point - Point to check if it's contained.
     * @returns {boolean} `true` if the point is contained within geometry.
    public containsPoint(point: IPointData): boolean
        const graphicsData = this.graphicsData;

        for (let i = 0; i < graphicsData.length; ++i)
            const data = graphicsData[i];

            if (!data.fillStyle.visible)

            // only deal with fills..
            if (data.shape)
                if (data.matrix)
                    data.matrix.applyInverse(point, tmpPoint);

                if (data.shape.contains(tmpPoint.x, tmpPoint.y))
                    let hitHole = false;

                    if (data.holes)
                        for (let i = 0; i < data.holes.length; i++)
                            const hole = data.holes[i];

                            if (hole.shape.contains(tmpPoint.x, tmpPoint.y))
                                hitHole = true;

                    if (!hitHole)
                        return true;

        return false;

     * Generates intermediate batch data. Either gets converted to drawCalls
     * or used to convert to batch objects directly by the Graphics object.
    updateBatches(): void
        if (!this.graphicsData.length)
            this.batchable = true;


        if (!this.validateBatching())

        this.cacheDirty = this.dirty;

        const uvs = this.uvs;
        const graphicsData = this.graphicsData;

        let batchPart: BatchPart = null;

        let currentStyle = null;

        if (this.batches.length > 0)
            batchPart = this.batches[this.batches.length - 1];
            currentStyle =;

        for (let i = this.shapeIndex; i < graphicsData.length; i++)

            const data = graphicsData[i];
            const fillStyle = data.fillStyle;
            const lineStyle = data.lineStyle;
            const command = FILL_COMMANDS[data.type];

            // build out the shapes points..

            if (data.matrix)
                this.transformPoints(data.points, data.matrix);

            if (fillStyle.visible || lineStyle.visible)

            for (let j = 0; j < 2; j++)
                const style = (j === 0) ? fillStyle : lineStyle;

                if (!style.visible) continue;

                const nextTexture = style.texture.baseTexture;
                const index = this.indices.length;
                const attribIndex = this.points.length / 2;

                nextTexture.wrapMode = WRAP_MODES.REPEAT;

                if (j === 0)

                const size = (this.points.length / 2) - attribIndex;

                if (size === 0) continue;
                // close batch if style is different
                if (batchPart && !this._compareStyles(currentStyle, style))
                    batchPart.end(index, attribIndex);
                    batchPart = null;
                // spawn new batch if its first batch or previous was closed
                if (!batchPart)
                    batchPart = BATCH_POOL.pop() || new BatchPart();
                    batchPart.begin(style, index, attribIndex);
                    currentStyle = style;

                this.addUvs(this.points, uvs, style.texture, attribIndex, size, style.matrix);

        const index = this.indices.length;
        const attrib = this.points.length / 2;

        if (batchPart)
            batchPart.end(index, attrib);

        if (this.batches.length === 0)
            // there are no visible styles in GraphicsData
            // its possible that someone wants Graphics just for the bounds
            this.batchable = true;


        const need32 = attrib > 0xffff;

        // prevent allocation when length is same as buffer
        if (this.indicesUint16 && this.indices.length === this.indicesUint16.length
            && need32 === (this.indicesUint16.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT > 2))
            this.indicesUint16 = need32 ? new Uint32Array(this.indices) : new Uint16Array(this.indices);

        // TODO make this a const..
        this.batchable = this.isBatchable();

        if (this.batchable)

     * Affinity check
     * @param styleA
     * @param styleB
    protected _compareStyles(styleA: FillStyle | LineStyle, styleB: FillStyle | LineStyle): boolean
        if (!styleA || !styleB)
            return false;

        if (styleA.texture.baseTexture !== styleB.texture.baseTexture)
            return false;

        if (styleA.color + styleA.alpha !== styleB.color + styleB.alpha)
            return false;

        if (!!(styleA as LineStyle).native !== !!(styleB as LineStyle).native)
            return false;

        return true;

    /** Test geometry for batching process. */
    protected validateBatching(): boolean
        if (this.dirty === this.cacheDirty || !this.graphicsData.length)
            return false;

        for (let i = 0, l = this.graphicsData.length; i < l; i++)
            const data = this.graphicsData[i];
            const fill = data.fillStyle;
            const line = data.lineStyle;

            if (fill && !fill.texture.baseTexture.valid) return false;
            if (line && !line.texture.baseTexture.valid) return false;

        return true;

    /** Offset the indices so that it works with the batcher. */
    protected packBatches(): void
        this.uvsFloat32 = new Float32Array(this.uvs);

        const batches = this.batches;

        for (let i = 0, l = batches.length; i < l; i++)
            const batch = batches[i];

            for (let j = 0; j < batch.size; j++)
                const index = batch.start + j;

                this.indicesUint16[index] = this.indicesUint16[index] - batch.attribStart;

     * Checks to see if this graphics geometry can be batched.
     * Currently it needs to be small enough and not contain any native lines.
    protected isBatchable(): boolean
        // prevent heavy mesh batching
        if (this.points.length > 0xffff * 2)
            return false;

        const batches = this.batches;

        for (let i = 0; i < batches.length; i++)
            if ((batches[i].style as LineStyle).native)
                return false;

        return (this.points.length < GraphicsGeometry.BATCHABLE_SIZE * 2);

    /** Converts intermediate batches data to drawCalls. */
    protected buildDrawCalls(): void
        let TICK = ++BaseTexture._globalBatch;

        for (let i = 0; i < this.drawCalls.length; i++)

        this.drawCalls.length = 0;

        const colors = this.colors;
        const textureIds = this.textureIds;

        let currentGroup: BatchDrawCall =  DRAW_CALL_POOL.pop();

        if (!currentGroup)
            currentGroup = new BatchDrawCall();
            currentGroup.texArray = new BatchTextureArray();
        currentGroup.texArray.count = 0;
        currentGroup.start = 0;
        currentGroup.size = 0;
        currentGroup.type = DRAW_MODES.TRIANGLES;

        let textureCount = 0;
        let currentTexture = null;
        let textureId = 0;
        let native = false;
        let drawMode = DRAW_MODES.TRIANGLES;

        let index = 0;


        // TODO - this can be simplified
        for (let i = 0; i < this.batches.length; i++)
            const data = this.batches[i];

            // TODO add some full on MAX_TEXTURE CODE..
            const MAX_TEXTURES = 8;

            // Forced cast for checking `native` without errors
            const style = as LineStyle;

            const nextTexture = style.texture.baseTexture;

            if (native !== !!style.native)
                native = !!style.native;
                drawMode = native ? DRAW_MODES.LINES : DRAW_MODES.TRIANGLES;

                // force the batch to break!
                currentTexture = null;
                textureCount = MAX_TEXTURES;

            if (currentTexture !== nextTexture)
                currentTexture = nextTexture;

                if (nextTexture._batchEnabled !== TICK)
                    if (textureCount === MAX_TEXTURES)

                        textureCount = 0;

                        if (currentGroup.size > 0)
                            currentGroup = DRAW_CALL_POOL.pop();
                            if (!currentGroup)
                                currentGroup = new BatchDrawCall();
                                currentGroup.texArray = new BatchTextureArray();

                        currentGroup.start = index;
                        currentGroup.size = 0;
                        currentGroup.texArray.count = 0;
                        currentGroup.type = drawMode;

                    // TODO add this to the render part..
                    // Hack! Because texture has protected `touched`
                    nextTexture.touched = 1;// touch;

                    nextTexture._batchEnabled = TICK;
                    nextTexture._batchLocation = textureCount;
                    nextTexture.wrapMode = WRAP_MODES.REPEAT;

                    currentGroup.texArray.elements[currentGroup.texArray.count++] = nextTexture;

            currentGroup.size += data.size;
            index += data.size;

            textureId = nextTexture._batchLocation;

            this.addColors(colors, style.color, style.alpha, data.attribSize, data.attribStart);
            this.addTextureIds(textureIds, textureId, data.attribSize, data.attribStart);

        BaseTexture._globalBatch = TICK;

        // upload..
        // merge for now!

    /** Packs attributes to single buffer. */
    protected packAttributes(): void
        const verts = this.points;
        const uvs = this.uvs;
        const colors = this.colors;
        const textureIds = this.textureIds;

        // verts are 2 positions.. so we * by 3 as there are 6 properties.. then 4 cos its bytes
        const glPoints = new ArrayBuffer(verts.length * 3 * 4);
        const f32 = new Float32Array(glPoints);
        const u32 = new Uint32Array(glPoints);

        let p = 0;

        for (let i = 0; i < verts.length / 2; i++)
            f32[p++] = verts[i * 2];
            f32[p++] = verts[(i * 2) + 1];

            f32[p++] = uvs[i * 2];
            f32[p++] = uvs[(i * 2) + 1];

            u32[p++] = colors[i];

            f32[p++] = textureIds[i];


     * Process fill part of Graphics.
     * @param data
    protected processFill(data: GraphicsData): void
        if (data.holes.length)
            buildPoly.triangulate(data, this);
            const command = FILL_COMMANDS[data.type];

            command.triangulate(data, this);

     * Process line part of Graphics.
     * @param data
    protected processLine(data: GraphicsData): void
        buildLine(data, this);

        for (let i = 0; i < data.holes.length; i++)
            buildLine(data.holes[i], this);

     * Process the holes data.
     * @param holes
    protected processHoles(holes: Array<GraphicsData>): void
        for (let i = 0; i < holes.length; i++)
            const hole = holes[i];
            const command = FILL_COMMANDS[hole.type];


            if (hole.matrix)
                this.transformPoints(hole.points, hole.matrix);

    /** Update the local bounds of the object. Expensive to use performance-wise. */
    protected calculateBounds(): void
        const bounds = this._bounds;

        bounds.addVertexData((this.points as any), 0, this.points.length);
        bounds.pad(this.boundsPadding, this.boundsPadding);

     * Transform points using matrix.
     * @param points - Points to transform
     * @param matrix - Transform matrix
    protected transformPoints(points: Array<number>, matrix: Matrix): void
        for (let i = 0; i < points.length / 2; i++)
            const x = points[(i * 2)];
            const y = points[(i * 2) + 1];

            points[(i * 2)] = (matrix.a * x) + (matrix.c * y) + matrix.tx;
            points[(i * 2) + 1] = (matrix.b * x) + (matrix.d * y) + matrix.ty;

     * Add colors.
     * @param colors - List of colors to add to
     * @param color - Color to add
     * @param alpha - Alpha to use
     * @param size - Number of colors to add
     * @param offset
    protected addColors(
        colors: Array<number>,
        color: number,
        alpha: number,
        size: number,
        offset = 0): void
        // TODO use the premultiply bits Ivan added
        const rgb = (color >> 16) + (color & 0xff00) + ((color & 0xff) << 16);

        const rgba = utils.premultiplyTint(rgb, alpha);

        colors.length = Math.max(colors.length, offset + size);

        for (let i = 0; i < size; i++)
            colors[offset + i] = rgba;

     * Add texture id that the shader/fragment wants to use.
     * @param textureIds
     * @param id
     * @param size
     * @param offset
    protected addTextureIds(
        textureIds: Array<number>,
        id: number,
        size: number,
        offset = 0): void
        textureIds.length = Math.max(textureIds.length, offset + size);

        for (let i = 0; i < size; i++)
            textureIds[offset + i] = id;

     * Generates the UVs for a shape.
     * @param verts - Vertices
     * @param uvs - UVs
     * @param texture - Reference to Texture
     * @param start - Index buffer start index.
     * @param size - The size/length for index buffer.
     * @param matrix - Optional transform for all points.
    protected addUvs(
        verts: Array<number>,
        uvs: Array<number>,
        texture: Texture,
        start: number,
        size: number,
        matrix: Matrix = null): void
        let index = 0;
        const uvsStart = uvs.length;
        const frame = texture.frame;

        while (index < size)
            let x = verts[(start + index) * 2];
            let y = verts[((start + index) * 2) + 1];

            if (matrix)
                const nx = (matrix.a * x) + (matrix.c * y) + matrix.tx;

                y = (matrix.b * x) + (matrix.d * y) + matrix.ty;
                x = nx;


            uvs.push(x / frame.width, y / frame.height);

        const baseTexture = texture.baseTexture;

        if (frame.width < baseTexture.width
            || frame.height < baseTexture.height)
            this.adjustUvs(uvs, texture, uvsStart, size);

     * Modify uvs array according to position of texture region
     * Does not work with rotated or trimmed textures
     * @param uvs - array
     * @param texture - region
     * @param start - starting index for uvs
     * @param size - how many points to adjust
    protected adjustUvs(uvs: Array<number>, texture: Texture, start: number, size: number): void
        const baseTexture = texture.baseTexture;
        const eps = 1e-6;
        const finish = start + (size * 2);
        const frame = texture.frame;
        const scaleX = frame.width / baseTexture.width;
        const scaleY = frame.height / baseTexture.height;
        let offsetX = frame.x / frame.width;
        let offsetY = frame.y / frame.height;
        let minX = Math.floor(uvs[start] + eps);
        let minY = Math.floor(uvs[start + 1] + eps);

        for (let i = start + 2; i < finish; i += 2)
            minX = Math.min(minX, Math.floor(uvs[i] + eps));
            minY = Math.min(minY, Math.floor(uvs[i + 1] + eps));
        offsetX -= minX;
        offsetY -= minY;
        for (let i = start; i < finish; i += 2)
            uvs[i] = (uvs[i] + offsetX) * scaleX;
            uvs[i + 1] = (uvs[i + 1] + offsetY) * scaleY;