Source: packages/prepare/src/Prepare.ts

import { BaseTexture, extensions, ExtensionType } from '@pixi/core';
import { Graphics } from '@pixi/graphics';
import type { IDisplayObjectExtended } from './BasePrepare';
import { BasePrepare } from './BasePrepare';

import type { Renderer, IRenderer, ISystem, ExtensionMetadata } from '@pixi/core';

 * Built-in hook to upload PIXI.Texture objects to the GPU.
 * @private
 * @param renderer - instance of the webgl renderer
 * @param item - Item to check
 * @returns If item was uploaded.
function uploadBaseTextures(renderer: IRenderer | BasePrepare, item: IDisplayObjectExtended | BaseTexture): boolean
    if (item instanceof BaseTexture)
        // if the texture already has a GL texture, then the texture has been prepared or rendered
        // before now. If the texture changed, then the changer should be calling texture.update() which
        // reuploads the texture without need for preparing it again
        if (!item._glTextures[(renderer as Renderer).CONTEXT_UID])
            (renderer as Renderer).texture.bind(item);

        return true;

    return false;

 * Built-in hook to upload PIXI.Graphics to the GPU.
 * @private
 * @param renderer - instance of the webgl renderer
 * @param item - Item to check
 * @returns If item was uploaded.
function uploadGraphics(renderer: IRenderer | BasePrepare, item: IDisplayObjectExtended): boolean
    if (!(item instanceof Graphics))
        return false;

    const { geometry } = item;

    // update dirty graphics to get batches

    const { batches } = geometry;

    // upload all textures found in styles
    for (let i = 0; i < batches.length; i++)
        const { texture } = batches[i].style;

        if (texture)
            uploadBaseTextures(renderer, texture.baseTexture);

    // if its not batchable - update vao for particular shader
    if (!geometry.batchable)
        (renderer as Renderer).geometry.bind(geometry, (item as any)._resolveDirectShader((renderer as Renderer)));

    return true;

 * Built-in hook to find graphics.
 * @private
 * @param item - Display object to check
 * @param queue - Collection of items to upload
 * @returns if a PIXI.Graphics object was found.
function findGraphics(item: IDisplayObjectExtended, queue: Array<any>): boolean
    if (item instanceof Graphics)

        return true;

    return false;

 * The prepare plugin provides renderer-specific plugins for pre-rendering DisplayObjects. These plugins are useful for
 * asynchronously preparing and uploading to the GPU assets, textures, graphics waiting to be displayed.
 * Do not instantiate this plugin directly. It is available from the `renderer.plugins` property.
 * See PIXI.CanvasRenderer#plugins or PIXI.Renderer#plugins.
 * @example
 * // Create a new application
 * const app = new PIXI.Application();
 * document.body.appendChild(app.view);
 * // Don't start rendering right away
 * app.stop();
 * // create a display object
 * const rect = new PIXI.Graphics()
 *     .beginFill(0x00ff00)
 *     .drawRect(40, 40, 200, 200);
 * // Add to the stage
 * app.stage.addChild(rect);
 * // Don't start rendering until the graphic is uploaded to the GPU
 * app.renderer.plugins.prepare.upload(app.stage, () => {
 *     app.start();
 * });
 * @memberof PIXI
export class Prepare extends BasePrepare implements ISystem
    /** @ignore */
    static extension: ExtensionMetadata = {
        name: 'prepare',
        type: ExtensionType.RendererSystem,

     * @param {PIXI.Renderer} renderer - A reference to the current renderer
    constructor(renderer: Renderer)

        this.uploadHookHelper = this.renderer;

        // Add textures and graphics to upload
