Source: packages/text-bitmap/src/BitmapText.ts

import { Mesh, MeshGeometry, MeshMaterial } from '@pixi/mesh';
import { BitmapFont } from './BitmapFont';
import { splitTextToCharacters, extractCharCode } from './utils';
import msdfFrag from './shader/msdf.frag';
import msdfVert from './shader/msdf.vert';
import type { Renderer, Rectangle } from '@pixi/core';
import { Program, Texture, BLEND_MODES, settings, utils, ObservablePoint, Point } from '@pixi/core';
import type { IBitmapTextStyle } from './BitmapTextStyle';
import type { TextStyleAlign } from '@pixi/text';
import { Container } from '@pixi/display';
import type { IDestroyOptions } from '@pixi/display';

interface PageMeshData
    index: number;
    indexCount: number;
    vertexCount: number;
    uvsCount: number;
    total: number;
    mesh: Mesh;
    vertices?: Float32Array;
    uvs?: Float32Array;
    indices?: Uint16Array;
interface CharRenderData
    texture: Texture;
    line: number;
    charCode: number;
    position: Point;
    prevSpaces: number;

// If we ever need more than two pools, please make a Dict or something better.
const pageMeshDataDefaultPageMeshData: PageMeshData[] = [];
const pageMeshDataMSDFPageMeshData: PageMeshData[] = [];
const charRenderDataPool: CharRenderData[] = [];

 * A BitmapText object will create a line or multiple lines of text using bitmap font.
 * The primary advantage of this class over Text is that all of your textures are pre-generated and loading,
 * meaning that rendering is fast, and changing text has no performance implications.
 * Supporting character sets other than latin, such as CJK languages, may be impractical due to the number of characters.
 * To split a line you can use '\n', '\r' or '\r\n' in your string.
 * PixiJS can auto-generate fonts on-the-fly using BitmapFont or use fnt files provided by:
 * for Windows or
 * for Mac.
 * You can also use SDF, MSDF and MTSDF BitmapFonts for vector-like scaling appearance provided by:
 * for SDF and MSDF fnt files or
 * for SDF, MSDF and MTSDF json files
 * A BitmapText can only be created when the font is loaded.
 * ```js
 * // in this case the font is in a file called 'desyrel.fnt'
 * let bitmapText = new PIXI.BitmapText("text using a fancy font!", {
 *   fontName: "Desyrel",
 *   fontSize: 35,
 *   align: "right"
 * });
 * ```
 * @memberof PIXI
export class BitmapText extends Container
    public static styleDefaults: Partial<IBitmapTextStyle> = {
        align: 'left',
        tint: 0xFFFFFF,
        maxWidth: 0,
        letterSpacing: 0,

    /** Set to `true` if the BitmapText needs to be redrawn. */
    public dirty: boolean;

     * The resolution / device pixel ratio of the canvas.
     * This is set to automatically match the renderer resolution by default, but can be overridden by setting manually.
     * @default PIXI.settings.RESOLUTION
    _resolution: number;
    _autoResolution: boolean;

     * Private tracker for the width of the overall text.
     * @private
    protected _textWidth: number;

     * Private tracker for the height of the overall text.
     * @private
    protected _textHeight: number;

     * Private tracker for the current text.
     * @private
    protected _text: string;

     * The max width of this bitmap text in pixels. If the text provided is longer than the
     * value provided, line breaks will be automatically inserted in the last whitespace.
     * Disable by setting value to 0
     * @private
    protected _maxWidth: number;

     * The max line height. This is useful when trying to use the total height of the Text,
     * ie: when trying to vertically align. (Internally used)
     * @private
    protected _maxLineHeight: number;

     * Letter spacing. This is useful for setting the space between characters.
     * @private
    protected _letterSpacing: number;

     * Text anchor.
     * @readonly
     * @private
    protected _anchor: ObservablePoint;

     * Private tracker for the current font name.
     * @private
    protected _fontName: string;

     * Private tracker for the current font size.
     * @private
    protected _fontSize: number;

     * Private tracker for the current text align.
     * @type {string}
     * @private
    protected _align: TextStyleAlign;

    /** Collection of page mesh data. */
    protected _activePagesMeshData: PageMeshData[];

     * Private tracker for the current tint.
     * @private
    protected _tint = 0xFFFFFF;

     * If true PixiJS will Math.floor() x/y values when rendering.
     * @default PIXI.settings.ROUND_PIXELS
    protected _roundPixels: boolean;

    /** Cached char texture is destroyed when BitmapText is destroyed. */
    private _textureCache: Record<number, Texture>;

     * @param text - A string that you would like the text to display.
     * @param style - The style parameters.
     * @param {string} style.fontName - The installed BitmapFont name.
     * @param {number} [style.fontSize] - The size of the font in pixels, e.g. 24. If undefined,
     *.     this will default to the BitmapFont size.
     * @param {string} [style.align='left'] - Alignment for multiline text ('left', 'center', 'right' or 'justify'),
     *      does not affect single line text.
     * @param {number} [style.tint=0xFFFFFF] - The tint color.
     * @param {number} [style.letterSpacing=0] - The amount of spacing between letters.
     * @param {number} [style.maxWidth=0] - The max width of the text before line wrapping.
    constructor(text: string, style: Partial<IBitmapTextStyle> = {})

        // Apply the defaults
        const { align, tint, maxWidth, letterSpacing, fontName, fontSize } = Object.assign(
            {}, BitmapText.styleDefaults, style);

        if (!BitmapFont.available[fontName])
            throw new Error(`Missing BitmapFont "${fontName}"`);

        this._activePagesMeshData = [];
        this._textWidth = 0;
        this._textHeight = 0;
        this._align = align;
        this._tint = tint;
        this._fontName = fontName;
        this._fontSize = fontSize || BitmapFont.available[fontName].size;
        this.text = text;
        this._maxWidth = maxWidth;
        this._maxLineHeight = 0;
        this._letterSpacing = letterSpacing;
        this._anchor = new ObservablePoint((): void => { this.dirty = true; }, this, 0, 0);
        this._roundPixels = settings.ROUND_PIXELS;
        this.dirty = true;
        this._resolution = settings.RESOLUTION;
        this._autoResolution = true;
        this._textureCache = {};

    /** Renders text and updates it when needed. This should only be called if the BitmapFont is regenerated. */
    public updateText(): void
        const data = BitmapFont.available[this._fontName];
        const scale = this._fontSize / data.size;
        const pos = new Point();
        const chars: CharRenderData[] = [];
        const lineWidths = [];
        const lineSpaces = [];
        const text = this._text.replace(/(?:\r\n|\r)/g, '\n') || ' ';
        const charsInput = splitTextToCharacters(text);
        const maxWidth = this._maxWidth * data.size / this._fontSize;
        const pageMeshDataPool = data.distanceFieldType === 'none'
            ? pageMeshDataDefaultPageMeshData : pageMeshDataMSDFPageMeshData;

        let prevCharCode = null;
        let lastLineWidth = 0;
        let maxLineWidth = 0;
        let line = 0;
        let lastBreakPos = -1;
        let lastBreakWidth = 0;
        let spacesRemoved = 0;
        let maxLineHeight = 0;
        let spaceCount = 0;

        for (let i = 0; i < charsInput.length; i++)
            const char = charsInput[i];
            const charCode = extractCharCode(char);

            if ((/(?:\s)/).test(char))
                lastBreakPos = i;
                lastBreakWidth = lastLineWidth;

            if (char === '\r' || char === '\n')
                maxLineWidth = Math.max(maxLineWidth, lastLineWidth);

                pos.x = 0;
                pos.y += data.lineHeight;
                prevCharCode = null;
                spaceCount = 0;

            const charData = data.chars[charCode];

            if (!charData)

            if (prevCharCode && charData.kerning[prevCharCode])
                pos.x += charData.kerning[prevCharCode];

            const charRenderData: CharRenderData = charRenderDataPool.pop() || {
                texture: Texture.EMPTY,
                line: 0,
                charCode: 0,
                prevSpaces: 0,
                position: new Point(),

            charRenderData.texture = charData.texture;
            charRenderData.line = line;
            charRenderData.charCode = charCode;
            charRenderData.position.x = pos.x + charData.xOffset + (this._letterSpacing / 2);
            charRenderData.position.y = pos.y + charData.yOffset;
            charRenderData.prevSpaces = spaceCount;


            lastLineWidth = charRenderData.position.x
                + Math.max(charData.xAdvance - charData.xOffset, charData.texture.orig.width);
            pos.x += charData.xAdvance + this._letterSpacing;
            maxLineHeight = Math.max(maxLineHeight, (charData.yOffset + charData.texture.height));
            prevCharCode = charCode;

            if (lastBreakPos !== -1 && maxWidth > 0 && pos.x > maxWidth)
                utils.removeItems(chars, 1 + lastBreakPos - spacesRemoved, 1 + i - lastBreakPos);
                i = lastBreakPos;
                lastBreakPos = -1;

                lineSpaces.push(chars.length > 0 ? chars[chars.length - 1].prevSpaces : 0);
                maxLineWidth = Math.max(maxLineWidth, lastBreakWidth);

                pos.x = 0;
                pos.y += data.lineHeight;
                prevCharCode = null;
                spaceCount = 0;

        const lastChar = charsInput[charsInput.length - 1];

        if (lastChar !== '\r' && lastChar !== '\n')
            if ((/(?:\s)/).test(lastChar))
                lastLineWidth = lastBreakWidth;

            maxLineWidth = Math.max(maxLineWidth, lastLineWidth);

        const lineAlignOffsets = [];

        for (let i = 0; i <= line; i++)
            let alignOffset = 0;

            if (this._align === 'right')
                alignOffset = maxLineWidth - lineWidths[i];
            else if (this._align === 'center')
                alignOffset = (maxLineWidth - lineWidths[i]) / 2;
            else if (this._align === 'justify')
                alignOffset = lineSpaces[i] < 0 ? 0 : (maxLineWidth - lineWidths[i]) / lineSpaces[i];


        const lenChars = chars.length;

        const pagesMeshData: Record<number, PageMeshData> = {};

        const newPagesMeshData: PageMeshData[] = [];

        const activePagesMeshData = this._activePagesMeshData;

        for (let i = 0; i < activePagesMeshData.length; i++)

        for (let i = 0; i < lenChars; i++)
            const texture = chars[i].texture;
            const baseTextureUid = texture.baseTexture.uid;

            if (!pagesMeshData[baseTextureUid])
                let pageMeshData = pageMeshDataPool.pop();

                if (!pageMeshData)
                    const geometry = new MeshGeometry();
                    let material: MeshMaterial;
                    let meshBlendMode: BLEND_MODES;

                    if (data.distanceFieldType === 'none')
                        material = new MeshMaterial(Texture.EMPTY);
                        meshBlendMode = BLEND_MODES.NORMAL;
                        material = new MeshMaterial(Texture.EMPTY,
                            { program: Program.from(msdfVert, msdfFrag), uniforms: { uFWidth: 0 } });
                        meshBlendMode = BLEND_MODES.NORMAL_NPM;

                    const mesh = new Mesh(geometry, material);

                    mesh.blendMode = meshBlendMode;

                    pageMeshData = {
                        index: 0,
                        indexCount: 0,
                        vertexCount: 0,
                        uvsCount: 0,
                        total: 0,
                        vertices: null,
                        uvs: null,
                        indices: null,

                // reset data..
                pageMeshData.index = 0;
                pageMeshData.indexCount = 0;
                pageMeshData.vertexCount = 0;
                pageMeshData.uvsCount = 0;
       = 0;

                // TODO need to get page texture here somehow..
                const { _textureCache } = this;

                _textureCache[baseTextureUid] = _textureCache[baseTextureUid] || new Texture(texture.baseTexture);
                pageMeshData.mesh.texture = _textureCache[baseTextureUid];

                pageMeshData.mesh.tint = this._tint;


                pagesMeshData[baseTextureUid] = pageMeshData;


        // lets find any previously active pageMeshDatas that are no longer required for
        // the updated text (if any), removed and return them to the pool.
        for (let i = 0; i < activePagesMeshData.length; i++)
            if (!newPagesMeshData.includes(activePagesMeshData[i]))

        // next lets add any new meshes, that have not yet been added to this BitmapText
        // we only add if its not already a child of this BitmapObject
        for (let i = 0; i < newPagesMeshData.length; i++)
            if (newPagesMeshData[i].mesh.parent !== this)

        // active page mesh datas are set to be the new pages added.
        this._activePagesMeshData = newPagesMeshData;

        for (const i in pagesMeshData)
            const pageMeshData = pagesMeshData[i];
            const total =;

            // lets only allocate new buffers if we can fit the new text in the current ones..
            // unless that is, we will be batching. Currently batching dose not respect the size property of mesh
            if (!(pageMeshData.indices?.length > 6 * total) || pageMeshData.vertices.length < Mesh.BATCHABLE_SIZE * 2)
                pageMeshData.vertices = new Float32Array(4 * 2 * total);
                pageMeshData.uvs = new Float32Array(4 * 2 * total);
                pageMeshData.indices = new Uint16Array(6 * total);
                const total =;
                const vertices = pageMeshData.vertices;

                // Clear the garbage at the end of the vertices buffer. This will prevent the bounds miscalculation.
                for (let i = total * 4 * 2; i < vertices.length; i++)
                    vertices[i] = 0;

            // as a buffer maybe bigger than the current word, we set the size of the meshMaterial
            // to match the number of letters needed
            pageMeshData.mesh.size = 6 * total;

        for (let i = 0; i < lenChars; i++)
            const char = chars[i];
            let offset = char.position.x + (lineAlignOffsets[char.line] * (this._align === 'justify' ? char.prevSpaces : 1));

            if (this._roundPixels)
                offset = Math.round(offset);

            const xPos = offset * scale;
            const yPos = char.position.y * scale;
            const texture = char.texture;

            const pageMesh = pagesMeshData[texture.baseTexture.uid];

            const textureFrame = texture.frame;
            const textureUvs = texture._uvs;

            const index = pageMesh.index++;

            pageMesh.indices[(index * 6) + 0] = 0 + (index * 4);
            pageMesh.indices[(index * 6) + 1] = 1 + (index * 4);
            pageMesh.indices[(index * 6) + 2] = 2 + (index * 4);
            pageMesh.indices[(index * 6) + 3] = 0 + (index * 4);
            pageMesh.indices[(index * 6) + 4] = 2 + (index * 4);
            pageMesh.indices[(index * 6) + 5] = 3 + (index * 4);

            pageMesh.vertices[(index * 8) + 0] = xPos;
            pageMesh.vertices[(index * 8) + 1] = yPos;

            pageMesh.vertices[(index * 8) + 2] = xPos + (textureFrame.width * scale);
            pageMesh.vertices[(index * 8) + 3] = yPos;

            pageMesh.vertices[(index * 8) + 4] = xPos + (textureFrame.width * scale);
            pageMesh.vertices[(index * 8) + 5] = yPos + (textureFrame.height * scale);

            pageMesh.vertices[(index * 8) + 6] = xPos;
            pageMesh.vertices[(index * 8) + 7] = yPos + (textureFrame.height * scale);

            pageMesh.uvs[(index * 8) + 0] = textureUvs.x0;
            pageMesh.uvs[(index * 8) + 1] = textureUvs.y0;

            pageMesh.uvs[(index * 8) + 2] = textureUvs.x1;
            pageMesh.uvs[(index * 8) + 3] = textureUvs.y1;

            pageMesh.uvs[(index * 8) + 4] = textureUvs.x2;
            pageMesh.uvs[(index * 8) + 5] = textureUvs.y2;

            pageMesh.uvs[(index * 8) + 6] = textureUvs.x3;
            pageMesh.uvs[(index * 8) + 7] = textureUvs.y3;

        this._textWidth = maxLineWidth * scale;
        this._textHeight = (pos.y + data.lineHeight) * scale;

        for (const i in pagesMeshData)
            const pageMeshData = pagesMeshData[i];

            // apply anchor
            if (this.anchor.x !== 0 || this.anchor.y !== 0)
                let vertexCount = 0;

                const anchorOffsetX = this._textWidth * this.anchor.x;
                const anchorOffsetY = this._textHeight * this.anchor.y;

                for (let i = 0; i <; i++)
                    pageMeshData.vertices[vertexCount++] -= anchorOffsetX;
                    pageMeshData.vertices[vertexCount++] -= anchorOffsetY;

                    pageMeshData.vertices[vertexCount++] -= anchorOffsetX;
                    pageMeshData.vertices[vertexCount++] -= anchorOffsetY;

                    pageMeshData.vertices[vertexCount++] -= anchorOffsetX;
                    pageMeshData.vertices[vertexCount++] -= anchorOffsetY;

                    pageMeshData.vertices[vertexCount++] -= anchorOffsetX;
                    pageMeshData.vertices[vertexCount++] -= anchorOffsetY;

            this._maxLineHeight = maxLineHeight * scale;

            const vertexBuffer = pageMeshData.mesh.geometry.getBuffer('aVertexPosition');
            const textureBuffer = pageMeshData.mesh.geometry.getBuffer('aTextureCoord');
            const indexBuffer = pageMeshData.mesh.geometry.getIndex();

   = pageMeshData.vertices;
   = pageMeshData.uvs;
   = pageMeshData.indices;


        for (let i = 0; i < chars.length; i++)

    updateTransform(): void

    _render(renderer: Renderer): void
        if (this._autoResolution && this._resolution !== renderer.resolution)
            this._resolution = renderer.resolution;
            this.dirty = true;

        // Update the uniform
        const { distanceFieldRange, distanceFieldType, size } = BitmapFont.available[this._fontName];

        if (distanceFieldType !== 'none')
            // Inject the shader code with the correct value
            const { a, b, c, d } = this.worldTransform;

            const dx = Math.sqrt((a * a) + (b * b));
            const dy = Math.sqrt((c * c) + (d * d));
            const worldScale = (Math.abs(dx) + Math.abs(dy)) / 2;

            const fontScale = this._fontSize / size;

            const resolution =  renderer._view.resolution;

            for (const mesh of this._activePagesMeshData)
                mesh.mesh.shader.uniforms.uFWidth = worldScale * distanceFieldRange * fontScale * resolution;


     * Validates text before calling parent's getLocalBounds
     * @returns - The rectangular bounding area
    public getLocalBounds(): Rectangle

        return super.getLocalBounds();

     * Updates text when needed
     * @private
    protected validate(): void
        if (this.dirty)
            this.dirty = false;

     * The tint of the BitmapText object.
     * @default 0xffffff
    public get tint(): number
        return this._tint;

    public set tint(value: number)
        if (this._tint === value) return;

        this._tint = value;

        for (let i = 0; i < this._activePagesMeshData.length; i++)
            this._activePagesMeshData[i].mesh.tint = value;

     * The alignment of the BitmapText object.
     * @member {string}
     * @default 'left'
    public get align(): TextStyleAlign
        return this._align;

    public set align(value: TextStyleAlign)
        if (this._align !== value)
            this._align = value;
            this.dirty = true;

    /** The name of the BitmapFont. */
    public get fontName(): string
        return this._fontName;

    public set fontName(value: string)
        if (!BitmapFont.available[value])
            throw new Error(`Missing BitmapFont "${value}"`);

        if (this._fontName !== value)
            this._fontName = value;
            this.dirty = true;

    /** The size of the font to display. */
    public get fontSize(): number
        return this._fontSize;

    public set fontSize(value: number)
        if (this._fontSize !== value)
            this._fontSize = value;
            this.dirty = true;

     * The anchor sets the origin point of the text.
     * The default is `(0,0)`, this means the text's origin is the top left.
     * Setting the anchor to `(0.5,0.5)` means the text's origin is centered.
     * Setting the anchor to `(1,1)` would mean the text's origin point will be the bottom right corner.
    public get anchor(): ObservablePoint
        return this._anchor;

    public set anchor(value: ObservablePoint)
        if (typeof value === 'number')

    /** The text of the BitmapText object. */
    public get text(): string
        return this._text;

    public set text(text: string)
        text = String(text === null || text === undefined ? '' : text);

        if (this._text === text)
        this._text = text;
        this.dirty = true;

     * The max width of this bitmap text in pixels. If the text provided is longer than the
     * value provided, line breaks will be automatically inserted in the last whitespace.
     * Disable by setting the value to 0.
    public get maxWidth(): number
        return this._maxWidth;

    public set maxWidth(value: number)
        if (this._maxWidth === value)
        this._maxWidth = value;
        this.dirty = true;

     * The max line height. This is useful when trying to use the total height of the Text,
     * i.e. when trying to vertically align.
     * @readonly
    public get maxLineHeight(): number

        return this._maxLineHeight;

     * The width of the overall text, different from fontSize,
     * which is defined in the style object.
     * @readonly
    public get textWidth(): number

        return this._textWidth;

    /** Additional space between characters. */
    public get letterSpacing(): number
        return this._letterSpacing;

    public set letterSpacing(value: number)
        if (this._letterSpacing !== value)
            this._letterSpacing = value;
            this.dirty = true;

     * If true PixiJS will Math.floor() x/y values when rendering, stopping pixel interpolation.
     * Advantages can include sharper image quality (like text) and faster rendering on canvas.
     * The main disadvantage is movement of objects may appear less smooth.
     * To set the global default, change PIXI.settings.ROUND_PIXELS
     * @default PIXI.settings.ROUND_PIXELS
    public get roundPixels(): boolean
        return this._roundPixels;

    public set roundPixels(value: boolean)
        if (value !== this._roundPixels)
            this._roundPixels = value;
            this.dirty = true;

     * The height of the overall text, different from fontSize,
     * which is defined in the style object.
     * @readonly
    public get textHeight(): number

        return this._textHeight;

     * The resolution / device pixel ratio of the canvas.
     * This is set to automatically match the renderer resolution by default, but can be overridden by setting manually.
     * @default 1
    get resolution(): number
        return this._resolution;

    set resolution(value: number)
        this._autoResolution = false;

        if (this._resolution === value)

        this._resolution = value;
        this.dirty = true;

    destroy(options?: boolean | IDestroyOptions): void
        const { _textureCache } = this;

        for (const id in _textureCache)
            const texture = _textureCache[id];

            delete _textureCache[id];

        this._textureCache = null;
