Class: TextureSystem


System plugin to the renderer to manage textures.

new PIXI.TextureSystem (renderer) overrides

Name Type Description
renderer PIXI.Renderer

The renderer this System works for.



boundTextures Array<PIXI.BaseTexture>

Bound textures

currentLocation number

Current location

managedTextures Array<PIXI.BaseTexture>

List of managed textures

unknownTexture PIXI.BaseTexture

BaseTexture value that shows that we don't know what is bound


bind (texture_, location) void

Bind a texture to a specific location

If you want to unbind something, please use unbind(texture) instead of bind(null, textureLocation)

Name Type Attributes Default Description
texture_ PIXI.Texture | PIXI.BaseTexture

Texture to bind

location number <optional>

Location to bind at

contextChange () void

Sets up the renderer context and necessary buffers.

reset () void

Resets texture location and bound textures

Actual bind(null, i) calls will be performed at next unbind() call

unbind (texture) void

Unbind a texture

Name Type Attributes Description
texture PIXI.BaseTexture <optional>

Texture to bind

Inherited Properties

From class PIXI.System

The renderer this manager works for.

Inherited Methods

From class PIXI.System

destroy () void inherited

Generic destroy methods to be overridden by the subclass