Source: packages/core/src/geometry/Buffer.ts

import { Runner } from '@pixi/runner';

import type { GLBuffer } from './GLBuffer';

let UID = 0;
/* eslint-disable max-len */

 * Marks places in PixiJS where you can pass Float32Array, UInt32Array, any typed arrays, and ArrayBuffer
 * Same as ArrayBuffer in typescript lib, defined here just for documentation
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface
export interface IArrayBuffer extends ArrayBuffer

 * PixiJS classes use this type instead of ArrayBuffer and typed arrays
 * to support expressions like `geometry.buffers[0].data[0] = position.x`.
 * Gives access to indexing and `length` field
 * @popelyshev: If data is actually ArrayBuffer and throws Exception on indexing - its user problem :)
export interface ITypedArray extends IArrayBuffer
    readonly length: number;
    [index: number]: number;
    readonly BYTES_PER_ELEMENT: number;

 * A wrapper for data so that it can be used and uploaded by WebGL
 * @class
 * @memberof PIXI
export class Buffer
    public data: ITypedArray;
    public index: boolean;
    public static: boolean;
    public id: number;
     disposeRunner: Runner;
    _glBuffers: {[key: number]: GLBuffer};
    _updateID: number;
     * @param {ArrayBuffer| SharedArrayBuffer|ArrayBufferView} data - the data to store in the buffer.
     * @param {boolean} [_static=true] - `true` for static buffer
     * @param {boolean} [index=false] - `true` for index buffer
    constructor(data?: IArrayBuffer, _static = true, index = false)
         * The data in the buffer, as a typed array
         * @member {ArrayBuffer| SharedArrayBuffer | ArrayBufferView}
         */ = (data || new Float32Array(1)) as ITypedArray;

         * A map of renderer IDs to webgl buffer
         * @private
         * @member {object<number, GLBuffer>}
        this._glBuffers = {};

        this._updateID = 0;

        this.index = index;

        this.static = _static; = UID++;

        this.disposeRunner = new Runner('disposeBuffer');

    // TODO could explore flagging only a partial upload?
     * flags this buffer as requiring an upload to the GPU
     * @param {ArrayBuffer|SharedArrayBuffer|ArrayBufferView} [data] - the data to update in the buffer.
    update(data?: IArrayBuffer): void
    { = (data as ITypedArray) ||;

     * disposes WebGL resources that are connected to this geometry
    dispose(): void
        this.disposeRunner.emit(this, false);

     * Destroys the buffer
    destroy(): void
        this.dispose(); = null;

     * Helper function that creates a buffer based on an array or TypedArray
     * @static
     * @param {ArrayBufferView | number[]} data - the TypedArray that the buffer will store. If this is a regular Array it will be converted to a Float32Array.
     * @return {PIXI.Buffer} A new Buffer based on the data provided.
    static from(data: IArrayBuffer | number[]): Buffer
        if (data instanceof Array)
            data = new Float32Array(data);

        return new Buffer(data);