Class: Shader


A helper class for shaders

new PIXI.Shader (program, uniforms)

Name Type Attributes Description
program PIXI.Program <optional>

The program the shader will use.

uniforms object <optional>

Custom uniforms to use to augment the built-in ones.


program PIXI.Program

Program that the shader uses

uniforms object

Shader uniform values, shortcut for uniformGroup.uniforms


PIXI.Shader.from (vertexSrc, fragmentSrc, uniforms) PIXI.Shader static

A short hand function to create a shader based of a vertex and fragment shader

Name Type Attributes Description
vertexSrc string <optional>

The source of the vertex shader.

fragmentSrc string <optional>

The source of the fragment shader.

uniforms object <optional>

Custom uniforms to use to augment the built-in ones.

Type Description
PIXI.Shader an shiny new Pixi shader!

destroy () void