Class: BitmapText

PIXI.extras. BitmapText

A BitmapText object will create a line or multiple lines of text using bitmap font. To
split a line you can use '\n', '\r' or '\r\n' in your string. You can generate the fnt files using:

A BitmapText can only be created when the font is loaded

// in this case the font is in a file called 'desyrel.fnt'
let bitmapText = new PIXI.extras.BitmapText("text using a fancy font!", {font: "35px Desyrel", align: "right"}); for windows or for mac.

new PIXI.extras.BitmapText(text, style)

Name Type Description
text string

The copy that you would like the text to display

style object

The style parameters

Name Type Default Description
font string | object

The font descriptor for the object, can be passed as a string of form
"24px FontName" or "FontName" or as an object with explicit name/size properties.

Name Type Description
name string optional

The bitmap font id

size number optional

The size of the font in pixels, e.g. 24

align string 'left' optional

Alignment for multiline text ('left', 'center' or 'right'), does not affect
single line text

tint number 0xFFFFFF optional

The tint color




Sets the alignment


Sets the anchor.


Set this to true if you want this display object to be cached as a bitmap.
This basically takes a snap shot of the display object as it is at that moment. It can
provide a performance benefit for complex static displayObjects.
To remove simply set this property to 'false'


Shallow copies the array to the filters of the object.


Sets the font.


Sets the height of the container by modifying the scale.


Sets the mask.


Copies the point to the pivot of the object.


Copies the point to the position of the object.


Sets the rotation of the object.


Copies the point to the scale of the object.


Copies the point to the skew of the object.


Sets the text.


Sets the tint.


Sets the width of the container by modifying the scale.


Sets the X position of the object.


Sets the Y position of the object.


Recalculates the bounds of the object. Override this to
calculate the bounds of the specific object (not including children).

inherited _recursivePostUpdateTransform()

recursively updates transform of all objects from the root to this one
internal function for toLocal()

Adds a child or multiple children to the container.

Multple items can be added like so: myContainer.addChild(thinkOne, thingTwo, thingThree)

Name Type Description
child PIXI.DisplayObject repeatable

The DisplayObject(s) to add to the container

Type Description
PIXI.DisplayObject The first child that was added.

Adds a child to the container at a specified index. If the index is out of bounds an error will be thrown

Name Type Description
child PIXI.DisplayObject

The child to add

index number

The index to place the child in

Type Description
PIXI.DisplayObject The child that was added.

Recalculates the bounds of the container.

Removes all internal references and listeners as well as removes children from the display list.
Do not use a Container after calling destroy.

Name Type Description
options object | boolean optional

Options parameter. A boolean will act as if all options
have been set to that value

Name Type Default Description
children boolean false optional

if set to true, all the children will have their destroy
method called as well. 'options' will be passed on to those calls.

Retrieves the bounds of the displayObject as a rectangle object.

Name Type Description
skipUpdate boolean

setting to true will stop the transforms of the scene graph from
being updated. This means the calculation returned MAY be out of date BUT will give you a
nice performance boost

rect PIXI.Rectangle

Optional rectangle to store the result of the bounds calculation

Type Description
PIXI.Rectangle the rectangular bounding area

Returns the child at the specified index

Name Type Description
index number

The index to get the child at

Type Description
PIXI.DisplayObject The child at the given index, if any.

inherited getChildIndex(child){number}

Returns the index position of a child DisplayObject instance

Name Type Description
child PIXI.DisplayObject

The DisplayObject instance to identify

Type Description
number The index position of the child display object to identify

Validates text before calling parent's getLocalBounds

Type Description
PIXI.Rectangle The rectangular bounding area

Removes a child from the container.

Name Type Description
childs PIXI.DisplayObject repeatable

The DisplayObject(s) to remove

Type Description
PIXI.DisplayObject The first child that was removed.

Removes a child from the specified index position.

Name Type Description
index number

The index to get the child from

Type Description
PIXI.DisplayObject The child that was removed.

inherited removeChildren(beginIndex, endIndex){Array.<DisplayObject>}

Removes all children from this container that are within the begin and end indexes.

Name Type Default Description
beginIndex number 0 optional

The beginning position.

endIndex number this.children.length optional

The ending position. Default value is size of the container.

Type Description
Array.<DisplayObject> List of removed children

inherited renderCanvas(renderer)

Renders the object using the Canvas renderer

Name Type Description
renderer PIXI.CanvasRenderer

The renderer

Renders the object using the WebGL renderer

Name Type Description
renderer PIXI.WebGLRenderer

The renderer

inherited setChildIndex(child, index)

Changes the position of an existing child in the display object container

Name Type Description
child PIXI.DisplayObject

The child DisplayObject instance for which you want to change the index number

index number

The resulting index number for the child display object

Set the parent Container of this DisplayObject

Name Type Description
container PIXI.Container

The Container to add this DisplayObject to

Type Description
PIXI.Container The Container that this DisplayObject was added to


Name Type Description
text string

The text to set to.

  • since version 3.0.0

    inherited setTransform(x, y, scaleX, scaleY, rotation, skewX, skewY, pivotX, pivotY){PIXI.DisplayObject}

    Convenience function to set the postion, scale, skew and pivot at once.

    Name Type Default Description
    x number 0 optional

    The X position

    y number 0 optional

    The Y position

    scaleX number 1 optional

    The X scale value

    scaleY number 1 optional

    The Y scale value

    rotation number 0 optional

    The rotation

    skewX number 0 optional

    The X skew value

    skewY number 0 optional

    The Y skew value

    pivotX number 0 optional

    The X pivot value

    pivotY number 0 optional

    The Y pivot value

    Type Description
    PIXI.DisplayObject The DisplayObject instance

    inherited swapChildren(child, child2)

    Swaps the position of 2 Display Objects within this container.

    Name Type Description
    child PIXI.DisplayObject

    First display object to swap

    child2 PIXI.DisplayObject

    Second display object to swap

    inherited toGlobal(position, point, skipUpdate){PIXI.Point}

    Calculates the global position of the display object

    Name Type Default Description
    position PIXI.Point

    The world origin to calculate from

    point PIXI.Point optional

    A Point object in which to store the value, optional
    (otherwise will create a new Point)

    skipUpdate boolean false optional

    Should we skip the update transform.

    Type Description
    PIXI.Point A point object representing the position of this object

    inherited toLocal(position, from, point, skipUpdate){PIXI.Point}

    Calculates the local position of the display object relative to another point

    Name Type Default Description
    position PIXI.Point

    The world origin to calculate from

    from PIXI.DisplayObject optional

    The DisplayObject to calculate the global position from

    point PIXI.Point optional

    A Point object in which to store the value, optional
    (otherwise will create a new Point)

    skipUpdate boolean false optional

    Should we skip the update transform

    Type Description
    PIXI.Point A point object representing the position of this object