Class: AccessibilityManager


The Accessibility manager recreates the ability to tab and have content read by screen readers. This is very important as it can possibly help people with disabilities access PixiJS content.

A DisplayObject can be made accessible just like it can be made interactive. This manager will map the events as if the mouse was being used, minimizing the effort required to implement.

An instance of this class is automatically created by default, and can be found at renderer.plugins.accessibility

new PIXI.accessibility.AccessibilityManager (renderer)

Name Type Description
renderer PIXI.CanvasRenderer | PIXI.Renderer

A reference to the current renderer


debug boolean

Setting this to true will visually show the divs.

isActive boolean readonly

A flag

isMobileAccessibility boolean readonly

A flag

The renderer this accessibility manager works for.


capHitArea (hitArea)

Adjust the hit area based on the bounds of a display object

Name Type Description
hitArea PIXI.Rectangle

Bounds of the child

Destroys the accessibility manager

updateDebugHTML (div)

private function that will visually add the information to the accessability div

Name Type Description
div HTMLDivElement