Class: ProjectionSystem

System plugin to the renderer to manage the projection matrix.

new (renderer)

Name Type Description
renderer PIXI.Renderer

The renderer this System works for.



defaultFrame PIXI.Rectangle readonly

Default destination frame

destinationFrame PIXI.Rectangle readonly

Destination frame

projectionMatrix PIXI.Matrix readonly

Project matrix

The renderer this manager works for.

sourceFrame PIXI.Rectangle readonly

Source frame

transform PIXI.Matrix

A transform that will be appended to the projection matrix if null, nothing will be applied


calculateProjection (destinationFrame, sourceFrame, resolution, root)

Updates the projection matrix based on a projection frame (which is a rectangle)

Name Type Description
destinationFrame PIXI.Rectangle

The destination frame.

sourceFrame PIXI.Rectangle

The source frame.

resolution Number


root boolean

If is root

contextChange (gl) inherited

Generic method called when there is a WebGL context change.

Name Type Description
gl WebGLRenderingContext

new webgl context

destroy () inherited

Generic destroy methods to be overridden by the subclass

setTransform (matrix)

Sets the transform of the active render target to the given matrix

Name Type Description
matrix PIXI.Matrix

The transformation matrix

update (destinationFrame, sourceFrame, resolution, root)

Updates the projection matrix based on a projection frame (which is a rectangle)

Name Type Description
destinationFrame PIXI.Rectangle

The destination frame.

sourceFrame PIXI.Rectangle

The source frame.

resolution Number


root boolean

If is root