Class: AbstractRenderer


The AbstractRenderer is the base for a PixiJS Renderer. It is extended by the PIXI.CanvasRenderer and PIXI.Renderer which can be used for rendering a PixiJS scene.

new PIXI.AbstractRenderer (system, options)

Name Type Attributes Default Description

The name of the system this renderer is for.

options IRendererOptions <optional>

The optional renderer parameters.

options.width number <optional>

The width of the screen.

options.height number <optional>

The height of the screen.

options.view HTMLCanvasElement <optional>

The canvas to use as a view, optional.

options.transparent boolean <optional>

If the render view is transparent.

options.autoDensity boolean <optional>

Resizes renderer view in CSS pixels to allow for resolutions other than 1.

options.antialias boolean <optional>

Sets antialias

options.resolution number <optional>

The resolution / device pixel ratio of the renderer. The resolution of the renderer retina would be 2.

options.preserveDrawingBuffer boolean <optional>

Enables drawing buffer preservation, enable this if you need to call toDataUrl on the WebGL context.

options.clearBeforeRender boolean <optional>

This sets if the renderer will clear the canvas or not before the new render pass.

options.backgroundColor number <optional>

The background color of the rendered area (shown if not transparent).



PIXI.AbstractRenderer.autoResize boolean Deprecated : since 5.0.0 static

  • PIXI.AbstractRenderer#autoDensity

autoDensity boolean

Whether CSS dimensions of canvas view should be resized to screen dimensions automatically.

backgroundColor number

The background color to fill if not transparent

clearBeforeRender boolean

This sets if the CanvasRenderer will clear the canvas or not before the new render pass. If the scene is NOT transparent PixiJS will use a canvas sized fillRect operation every frame to set the canvas background color. If the scene is transparent PixiJS will use clearRect to clear the canvas every frame. Disable this by setting this to false. For example, if your game has a canvas filling background image you often don't need this set.

height number

Same as view.height, actual number of pixels in the canvas by vertical.

Default Value:
  • 600

options Object

The supplied constructor options.

plugins object

Collection of plugins.

preserveDrawingBuffer boolean

The value of the preserveDrawingBuffer flag affects whether or not the contents of the stencil buffer is retained after rendering.

resolution number

The resolution / device pixel ratio of the renderer.

Default Value:
  • 1

Measurements of the screen. (0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight).

Its safe to use as filterArea or hitArea for the whole stage.

transparent boolean

Whether the render view is transparent.

type number

The type of the renderer.

Default Value:

view HTMLCanvasElement

The canvas element that everything is drawn to.

width number

Same as view.width, actual number of pixels in the canvas by horizontal.

Default Value:
  • 800

_backgroundColor number protected

The background color as a number.

_backgroundColorRgba Array protected

The background color as an [R, G, B] array.

_backgroundColorString string protected

The background color as a string.

_lastObjectRendered PIXI.DisplayObject protected

The last root object that the renderer tried to render.


destroy (removeView) void

Removes everything from the renderer and optionally removes the Canvas DOM element.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
removeView boolean <optional>

Removes the Canvas element from the DOM.

generateTexture (displayObject, scaleMode, resolution, region) PIXI.RenderTexture

Useful function that returns a texture of the display object that can then be used to create sprites This can be quite useful if your displayObject is complicated and needs to be reused multiple times.

Name Type Attributes Description
displayObject PIXI.DisplayObject

The displayObject the object will be generated from.

scaleMode PIXI.SCALE_MODES <optional>

The scale mode of the texture.

resolution number <optional>

The resolution / device pixel ratio of the texture being generated.

region PIXI.Rectangle <optional>

The region of the displayObject, that shall be rendered, if no region is specified, defaults to the local bounds of the displayObject.

Type Description
PIXI.RenderTexture A texture of the graphics object.

resize (screenWidth, screenHeight) void

Resizes the screen and canvas to the specified width and height. Canvas dimensions are multiplied by resolution.

Name Type Description
screenWidth number

The new width of the screen.

screenHeight number

The new height of the screen.

initPlugins (staticMap) void protected

Initialize the plugins.

Name Type Description
staticMap object

The dictionary of statically saved plugins.