Class: PlaneGeometry


new PlaneGeometry (width, height, segWidth, segHeight) overrides

Name Type Description


Inherited Properties

From class PIXI.Geometry

instanceCount number inherited

Number of instances in this geometry, pass it to GeometrySystem.draw()

Default Value:
  • 1

refCount number inherited

Count of existing (not destroyed) meshes that reference this geometry

glVertexArrayObjects object protected inherited

A map of renderer IDs to webgl VAOs

Inherited Methods

From class PIXI.Geometry

addAttribute (id, buffer, size, normalized, type, stride, start, instance) PIXI.Geometry inherited

Adds an attribute to the geometry Note: stride and start should be undefined if you dont know them, not 0!

Name Type Attributes Default Description
id String

the name of the attribute (matching up to a shader)

buffer PIXI.Buffer | number <optional>

the buffer that holds the data of the attribute . You can also provide an Array and a buffer will be created from it.

size Number <optional>

the size of the attribute. If you have 2 floats per vertex (eg position x and y) this would be 2

normalized Boolean <optional>

should the data be normalized.

type Number <optional>

what type of number is the attribute. Check {PIXI.TYPES} to see the ones available

stride Number <optional>

How far apart (in floats) the start of each value is. (used for interleaving data)

start Number <optional>

How far into the array to start reading values (used for interleaving data)

instance boolean <optional>

Instancing flag

Type Description
PIXI.Geometry returns self, useful for chaining.

Adds an index buffer to the geometry The index buffer contains integers, three for each triangle in the geometry, which reference the various attribute buffers (position, colour, UV coordinates, other UV coordinates, normal, …). There is only ONE index buffer.

Name Type Attributes Description
buffer PIXI.Buffer | number <optional>

the buffer that holds the data of the index buffer. You can also provide an Array and a buffer will be created from it.

Type Description
PIXI.Geometry returns self, useful for chaining.

returns a clone of the geometry

Type Description
PIXI.Geometry a new clone of this geometry

destroy () void inherited

Destroys the geometry.

dispose () void inherited

disposes WebGL resources that are connected to this geometry

returns the requested attribute

Name Type Description
id String

the name of the attribute required

Type Description
PIXI.Attribute the attribute requested.

returns the requested buffer

Name Type Description
id String

the name of the buffer required

Type Description
PIXI.Buffer the buffer requested.

returns the index buffer

Type Description
PIXI.Buffer the index buffer.

this function modifies the structure so that all current attributes become interleaved into a single buffer This can be useful if your model remains static as it offers a little performance boost

Type Description
PIXI.Geometry returns self, useful for chaining.